Aerodynamics of the hovering hummingbird (2024)


Despite profound musculoskeletal differences, hummingbirds (Trochilidae) are widely thought to employ aerodynamic mechanisms similar to those used by insects. The kinematic symmetry of the hummingbird upstroke and downstroke1,2,3 has led to the assumption that these halves of the wingbeat cycle contribute equally to weight support during hovering, as exhibited by insects of similar size4. This assumption has been applied, either explicitly or implicitly, in widely used aerodynamic models1,5,6,7 and in a variety of empirical tests8,9. Here we provide measurements of the wake of hovering rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) obtained with digital particle image velocimetry that show force asymmetry: hummingbirds produce 75% of their weight support during the downstroke and only 25% during the upstroke. Some of this asymmetry is probably due to inversion of their cambered wings during upstroke. The wake of hummingbird wings also reveals evidence of leading-edge vortices created during the downstroke, indicating that they may operate at Reynolds numbers sufficiently low to exploit a key mechanism typical of insect hovering10,11. Hummingbird hovering approaches that of insects, yet remains distinct because of effects resulting from an inherently dissimilar—avian—body plan.

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We thank B. Klopfenstein for her help with the experiments. This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Murdock Charitable Trust.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, 3029 Cordley Hall, 97331, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

    Douglas R. Warrick

  2. Department of Biology, University of Portland, 5000 North Willamette Boulevard, 97203, Portland, Oregon, USA

    Bret W. Tobalske

  3. Biology Department, George Fox University, 414 North Meridian Street, 97132, Newberg, Oregon, USA

    Donald R. Powers


  1. Douglas R. Warrick

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  2. Bret W. Tobalske

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Warrick, D., Tobalske, B. & Powers, D. Aerodynamics of the hovering hummingbird. Nature 435, 1094–1097 (2005).

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Aerodynamics of the hovering hummingbird (2024)


What are the aerodynamics of a hummingbird? ›

Both hummingbirds and flying insects employ unsteady aerodynamics associated with their reciprocating wing movements, including stroke acceleration/deceleration, wing pitching and dynamic changes of the angle of attack, and wing reversal [2,3,6,7].

How do hummingbirds hover in the air? ›

The hummingbird is the only bird that can truly hover. It manages this by flapping its wings 20 to 80 times a second.

What is the ability to hover useful to a hummingbird? ›

Why Do Hummingbirds Hover? Hummingbirds have developed the ability to hover in order to feed on energy-rich nectar from flowers that other birds cannot reach. Hummingbirds' unique hovering abilities have inspired human innovations, such as tiny drones.

What is the flight pattern of a hummingbird? ›

Hummingbirds have unique wing bones and muscles, allowing them to fly straight up, straight down, backwards, and forwards. And their wings flap so very fast (up to 200 beats per second in a display!) that they make a buzzing sound.

How do hummingbirds levitate? ›

A hummingbird sweeps its wings mostly horizontally to hover. It rotates its wings in a figure-eight pattern which pushes air forward, backward and downward, generating lift force on both forward and back strokes of the wing.

Why do hummingbirds fly so close to your face? ›

Hummingbirds generally fly up to someone's face because they are curious or investigating a situation. They are extremely inquisitive about their surroundings and enforce caution and safety in their territory. They also recognize, associate, and expect food from a homeowner when trained to be fed at a feeder.

Can hummingbirds hover in mid air? ›

As the tiny birds move from flower to flower, they appear to almost levitate—hovering in mid-air, practically motionless except for their blur of wings beating more than 40 times per second.

Is the hummingbird the only bird that can hover? ›

About 340 species exist in the wild, from teeny-tiny bee hummingbirds—the world's smallest bird—to fiery-throated hummingbirds with their rainbow hues. Hummers are the only birds that can truly hover, and they can fly in any direction they choose—upside down, backward, forward, up and down.

Why do hummingbirds hover in front of your face? ›

Hummingbirds generally fly up to someone's face because they are curious or investigating a situation. They are extremely inquisitive about their surroundings and enforce caution and safety in their territory. They also recognize, associate, and expect food from a homeowner when trained to be fed at a feeder.

How fast can a hummingbird hover? ›

Hummingbirds flap their wings from about 10 to more than 80 times per second while hovering. They flap their wings even faster during the courtship display dives used by the males of some species. Moreover, hummingbirds can fly very fast, routinely attaining speeds of 20 to 30 miles per hour.

What is unique about hummingbirds flight? ›

Flight: Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly both forward and backwards. They can also hover in mid-air, fly sideways and even upside-down. Wings: A hummingbird's wings beat about 70 times per second (200 times per second when diving!)

How far can a hummingbird fly in one flight? ›

Theodore Zenzal and his research colleagues at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg have calculated the flying power of ruby-throated hummingbirds using a computer model. They have found that male hummingbirds can travel more than 1,300 miles (about 2,200 kilometers) without taking a single break.

Can a hummingbird fly faster than a jet? ›

Hummingbirds are the fastest animals on Earth, relative to their body size. They can cover more body lengths per second than any other vertebrate and for their size can even outpace fighter jets and the space shuttle – while withstanding g-forces that would make a fighter pilot black out.

What are the aerodynamics of bird flight? ›

Basic mechanics of bird flight

The fundamentals of bird flight are similar to those of aircraft, in which the aerodynamic forces sustaining flight are lift, drag, and thrust. Lift force is produced by the action of air flow on the wing, which is an airfoil.

What are the aerodynamic properties of bird flight? ›

As the wing twists, and as the outer part of the wing moves downward, the aerodynamic force is directed forward and the wing produces thrust. During the upstroke, the outer part of the wing must return with as minimum drag as possible, usually with zero angle of attack.

What makes birds so aerodynamic? ›

Like other flying animals that propel themselves, birds sustain level flight by generating net aerodynamic forces with their flapping wings that balance gravity and body drag.

Are hummingbirds faster than planes? ›

A scientist has caught a hummingbird hitting a top speed twice that of the fastest fighter jet – at least relatively. The Anna's hummingbird, now believed to be the fastest bird in the world relative to its size, can reach speeds of 50mph, or nearly 385 body lengths per second.

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