Corvallis Gazette-Times from Corvallis, Oregon (2024)

Gaztttt-Timts, Corvalli, Oragon, Wadnaiday, July 21, IMS Joan Heeter In 'Big Leagues' At 1 7 Koufax Wins Own Contest By JACK RICKARD HOOKS AND SLICES to score Jim Lefebvre with the Seventeen years old and In ly United Press International Sandy Koufax isn't such a winning run in the 3-2 victory. the major Leagues. drop" and Jackie Rice and Hap Piper of the Florists. Rica was the most valuable player in the world's tournament last year with four shutouts. "The travelling is the most fun," Joan admits.

"This summer was the first time I've been as far north is Seattle." Last year Miss Heeter played It was Sandy 17th victory of in this case, it not a base good hitter that Wait Alston is likely to use him as a pinch- the season. The southpaw has Philadelphia 4-3, Milwaukee downed the Mets 7-1 and San Francisco edged Chicago VH. Bob Bailey had three hits, Including his first big-league grand slam home run, and five -runs batted in to pace the Pirates' onslaught against Cincinnati. Bob Veale picked up his ball player, but Joan Heeter, one of the finest female athletes In Corvallis center field for Salem, her "I went seven games without a hit," she admits. "I couldn't get the ball out of the infield." (Still, she's hitting .178 in a league where the pitchers dominate and 1-0 scores are common.

She has one home run this season, The toughest pitchers she faces are Welborn of Eugene, whom she describes as ly JACK, GOODMAN won 11 successive games. He gave up but three hits, walked only two and struck out 10 men hitter, but he not such a bad hitter than the Los Angeles Dodger skipper lifts him in the bottom of the ninth inning with two out and two men on base. me Corvallis high senior-to- loan nas a cnance tor a much longer trip later this summer. Since the Florists are defending world champions. for the 12th time this season.

IncrMM Lead The Dodgers increased their rookie season. This year she's been moved to third base. "I like third base better," she admits. "There's a lot more action." Her hitting was a sore subject lately. be Is in her sophom*ore season in the Northwest Women's Softball League, equivalent to the major leagues In girls' Softball.

Koufax came to the plate loth victory after surviving a three-run first inning in which against the Houston Astros Tuesday night with the score they automatically qualify for the tournament at Stratford, Conn. That leaves the Northwest berth open to the rest of the teams, with Salem one of hhe's the third baseman for "real fast with rise and he walked the first four bat National League lead to 3 games over the Cincinnati Reds, who were beaten 8-6 by the Pittsburgh Pirates. In other NL action, St. Louis defeated the Salem Keggettes, one of the ters. Sammy Ellis was the 2-2 and runners on first and second with two out.

He dumped a single into left' field top clubs in the nine team league which stretches from Two five handicapperi loom threats to walk off with the marbles this weekend at the Corvallis Invitational. Bob Eben, who had a gross 68 Saturday (with a front-side 31) and Ben Bates who consistently fires par. golf are somehow retaining 5 handicaps. Lee Gustaf-son could win it if his putter behaves. The second flight winner from last year, Gene Gul-ledse.

will be a oossihle nnat McCarvw Homers Tim MeCarver'a ninth home Port Angeles, to Med ford. It's a tough league, too, run ot tne season in tne sunn with the Erv Llnd Florists of Stottlemyre Blasts Grand Slam Homer Portland golng'on to the world'; championship last year. mning pusnea tne caromais past the Phillies. It was1 his third homer off loser Jim Bun-ning this season and his sixth I the top contenders. "It'll be harder at the state tournament at Eugene than at the regionals," Miss Heeter feels.

The big leagues of girls soft-ball is not a money making game, The team sponsors pay the girls' gas mileage to Salem, with Joan riding with three players from Albany. On the road they get meals and housing. So far this summer Heeter has played close to 30 games, winner still sporting an eight commuting back and forth be VERN BURKE aw Passes Test -fr Burke Passes Physical Exam two-rurt homer carried Detroit past Washington 2-0. Kansas nanmcap. Around 190 now entered with the 210 cutoff number annroarh- tween here and Salem for home games, plus the long weekend City and Chicago were not By United Press International Mel Stottlemyre, whose pitching arm put the New York Yankees into the World Series last season, has earned himself a niche in the Bronx Bomber archives with his bat.

scheduled. trips to other cities in the ing. Bill Ward number two man The Angels climbed all over 1 on university of Uregon team and Tom Kabler who played three for Oreeon are both en- MORAGA, Calif. (UPI)-Even the Minnesota pitching staff, getting 15 hits in their assault of the league leaders. Marcelino against the Phils.

Bunning also gave up circuit clouts to Tito Francona and Lou Brock. The Milwaukee Braves scored all their runs in a wild seventh inning to extend the Mets' losing streak to 10, matching their longest losing streak of the season. Hank Aaron's 19th homer of the season accounted for three Brave runs. Bob Shaw two-hit the Cubs for his ninth victory while Willie McCovey hit his 20th home run of the season. The tall sinker-ball artist hit ong with Bob-WotshnraLt Bevos Increase Lopez, the Angel hurler, held an inside-the-park grand slam home run Tuesday to beat the the mighty bats of the Twins to only four hits.

Softball has curtailed Miss Heeter's interest in track she is a promising shot putter. "I'd like to take up the javelin someday," she admits, feeling she isn't big enough to become a great woman shot putter. Sunday Miss Heeter and her teammates take on the world's eague Lead though two rookies flunked the physical exams at the San Francisco Forty Niners training camp, the team was more than overjoyed with the results of the checkups today. For while Greg Schumaker of Illinois and John Beane of West Virginia Tech were eliminated nurrmer one tnis year. One feat unlikely to be duplicated this year Is Gene Tansei-li'l tee shot on number 10 last year.

This shot landed in the tennis courts and, after consulting the rules committee, was ruled out of bounds. Nick Russ Snyder and Boog Powell hit two-run home runs in the Baltimore conquest of Cleveland. Dave McNaUy won his Boston Red Sox 6-3 and earn his 10th victory of the season. Spud Chandler and Don Larsen are the only other. Yankee pitchers in history to hit grand slammers and theirs were done the easy way, by hitting By United Pratt International Oklahoma City appeared to day to be far and away the fifth game in nine decisions losing his shutout bid on name of Tertnis-alley has been suggested.

Pacific Coast League's finest team. because of ankle and neck injuries, Vern Burke and Don Lisbon passed the checkups Tues ninth inning home run by a I I Experienced caddies are still The Mere balance was never Chuck Hmton. needed lor this weekend. See Horton had been hitless for champion Florists in a league game at Albany's Bryant Park at 7:30 p.m. With three Albany players and Miss Heeter In the lineup, there's plenty of local interest In the contest.

better shown than in their 14-1 romp at Salt Lake City Tues Vern Martin bv Fridav. the ball out of the park. Stottlemyre came to the plate against Bill Monboquette in the fifth inning after two walks and a single had loaded the bases. He hit the first pitch on a line between Carl Yastrzemski and CAN YOU day. Burke missed all last season because of a knee ailment, but the slim ail-America from Ore day night, Jim Ward, one of a Corvallis C.C.

Junior tennis players had an interclub match the last three games before teeing off on Washington pitcher Howie Koplitz. His 21st home run tied him with Rocky Cola- STOP SAFELY? gon State now appears in top shape. Lisbon underwent knee herd of fine Oklahoma City hurlers, stopped the Beet' on six hits while the 89ers pounded out 21 safeties. wiin wane Wednesday, July 14, Score: C.C.C. 1, Illahe 5.

Par- ticinatins Tnm Fpnnor vito for the league lead. Jim Gosger. The ball rolled into left centerfjeld, 457 feet Ralston Set surgery during the winter. from the plate. Jerry Grote and Chucls Har John Koski, Peter Ball, Chris Foulke, John Krakauer and Bloeslnf Zenczak.

Return mntrh For Action Spang, Smith Win DENNY NUSBAUM As Stottlemyre rounded second base, third base coach Frank Crosetti was halfway rison hit homers, while Emie Fazio banged out four hits and Sonny Jackson, Mike White and John Weekly three apiece. scheduled for home courts on PORTLAND (UPI) Mike down the line waving him on. July 16. -Bisaue tournev Sunday Spang of Portland and Steve Smith of Roseburg captured the Ward Is now 7-5 for the year won by Anita McEldowney aid The pitcher slid into the plate but Bosox catcher Bob Tillman had no play on him as the re gives Green Stamps DALLAS (UPI) Dennis Ralston, America's No. 1 hope for lifting the Davis Cup from Australian hands, tested his injured leg Tuesday and announced he will be ready for the American Zone matches two Oregon berths in the National Junior Amateur Golf Larry Lanm.

consolation brae et was won by Carol Krakau and the victory moved Oklahoma City three games in front of Denver. The 89ers .618 percentage Is by far the league's layed throw skipped past him Tournament Tuesday in qualify and Scott McMurdoA Longe AnotHs Romp ing at Tualatin Country Club. match of the day was won In other American League Spang, a 15-year-old Wilson here against Mexico next week. best and they are in good shape tonight with ace Chris Zachary contests, Los Angeles bombed Peggy Lahm and Kim lining over June Goodman and Jim Car Available Ralston went out on the court league-leading Minnesota 9-1 (10-5) ready to hurl. High School sophom*ore, shot a three-over-par 75 to take the top spot, and Smith was one stroke back with a 76.

McEldowney. Tuesday for the first time since Baltimore overpowered Cleve In other action Tuesday night Some tvoe of marathon rer 4 he injured his leg In the Na- land 6-1 and Wuhe Horton Don't be a traffic statistic. Visit us now for expert brake work. RICE'S MERCURY MOTORS 3rd Jackie 753-7331 Denver fell before Arkansas, tional Clay Court Champion ord set at Albany last week by local juniors. Larry and Rov Greg Snider and Fred Haney, 3-2, and Indianapolis nipped both of Forest Grove, tied with San Diego, 2-0.

Western Divi ships in Chicago last week. He volleyed the ball back and gk.fbht.'avA CUSTOM FISH SMOKING 77 for the alternate spot, but sion leader Portland took a big All Work Guaranteed Tun ap Vahrf Grinding trak Sank Carburetor Sarvic SERVICE GARAGE Chevron Station forth with teammate Frank Humphreys and Gary Marks played 131 holes before running out of gas and being bogged down by traffic. win over Tacoma to move Snider won the berth on the first playoff hole with a bogey. Froehling for a short time, but twd) games up on both Seattle STARTING AT third base for the Salem Keggettes of the Northwest Vfomen's Softball League is Joan Heeter, 17-year-old Corvallis high coed. She'll be in action Sunday at Albany against the world champion Erv Lind Florists of Portland.

did no running. Spang had nines of 38-37, with and Vancouver. Seattle lost to DAVE EMMONS MEAT COMPANY 3267 E. Van Burnt 753-500S Twilight league: A battle "I'll be ready," said Ralston. kane, S-3.

and Vancouver Main Philomath 929-4885 four bogeys and 14 pars. Smith went 38-38 for his score. looms this Thursday as the title goes to the winner. Four teams "I have no doubt at all." fell at Hawaii, 6-4. are possible champions: Rog ers Bras, me Legal Eag les, and The Cllne.

Only three points separate the "Bra r- from the "Clinic." Playoff of the two league champs Is set for Tuesday July 27. How They Stand Am.rteaa Laatae L. ti. na Tiry a It 37 .11 IT M4 SH 4 ,,,,1,., ri il fTiurr ina a i hi'.. 1'''' fPC II i rlri I ((SSl i fell il 37 41 sn .552 l4 121 MlnnnoU flavrland Baltimore rhicaio Detroit Nw York Loa Angelee Waahtnxton Botton Santas City 49 41 43 4 .467 14 54 .413 19 .375 22 33 55 .333 25 71 54 Black Label Naw York I Boaton 1 Loa Angelea 9 Minnaaota 1 Raltlmore I.

nlfht Datrolt Waahlniton 0. night Natleaal Laagne W. t. Pe4. cold .551 .545 .52 .500 Lot AngelM Cincinnati Milwaukee San Franciaco Philadelphia St.

Louie Ptttahurgh Chicago Houaton 97 31 52 40 49 40 41 40 47 43 45 45 47 47 42 51 40 40 .500 1 452 14 .449 14 315 tStt 29 3 New- Vork St. Loula 4 Philadelphia Pittsburgh Cincinnati Milwaukee 7 New York 1 San Francisco I Chicago 0 Loa Angelea 3 Houston 2, night I if" Faelfte Ceaat Lcafae Eaatera Dlvlelon W.L. Pet. Oil .015 Okla City 37 Denver 57 San Diego 45 52 .587 3 .464 IS .463 15 .412 20 .411 20 Indianapolis 43 50 40 57 39 56 Salt Lake Arkanaaa W. L.

Pet. 0 54 42 .562 51 43 Portland Vancouver Seattle 51 49 .542 2 .542 .526 3vt .510 I .3 ltt Tacoma 50 43 Hawaii 49 47 Spokana 34 61 Arkansas uenvar Indianapolis 3 San Diego Oklahoma City 14 Salt Lake City 1 i. Spokane Seattle I Hawaii i Vancouver 4 Nartawaat Loaraa itanAlnta JW limtSmm II II IV: III VM.r W. PCI. UU.

19 .152 14 I .638 14 14 GuBa'ne Lawlaton Tri-Clty Yakima Salam Wenatchea II II .500 3H 1 I 15 1 Tri-Clty Eugtna 4 its HMD keeps flavorful Black Label cold for hours thirst hits, you will be ready to roll and comes with an easy-carry handle. You out a cold, cold can of CARLING 2x6 (0) 4x4" iaamaaa' imwwnq can quickly chill Black Label by opening Carling Black Label beer There's nothing better than a cold beer on a hot day and now you can keep Black Label just the way you want it with the new reclosable cold pack. Designed for Northwest outdoor living, this cold pack Put more flavor in your life Get more life in the flavor the convenient flap and putting the cold pack in the refrigerator. So whenever CarKng Brewing Company, Tacoma, Wash. 2404 North 9th Stroot Phono 753-4313.

Corvallis Gazette-Times from Corvallis, Oregon (2024)
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