High Red Ornate Pac-Man Frog - Ceratophrys ornata (Captive Bred CBP) (2024)

Defining Characteristics:

  • Great Beginner Frog
  • Bright to dark Green/Tan with Brown Spots with significant amounts or red interspersed
  • Bold
  • Voracious Appetite

**Please note that when our photos of our Frogs and Toads are taken the lighting can be different from our facility to the lighting in your tank at home. There is a potential that different lighting may help bring out more of your frog or toads coloration. When you receive your frog or toad the coloration may be vastly different from what you may be expecting because it is under the assumption that it is nighttime and it has changed color to make it harder for predators to see them. Additionally colors and patterns may vary from animal to animal so if you have a preference feel free to mention that when scheduling your order.**

Name:ThePac-Man frog is named after the popular arcade game protagonist, and for good reason! These frogs seem to be able to fit anything in their mouths, including each other!Ceratophrys ornata is commonly called The Ornate Horned Frog or Bell's Horned Frog.

Certified Breeder Program: ThesePac-Man frogs were procured via our Certified Breeder Program.This certification process will allow us to bring a wider variety of healthy, captive bred animals to you, our customers. We stand behind these animals just like any animals bred at our facility. Besides the fact we’ll be offering more animals, what do you need to know about Josh’s Frogs Certified Breeder Partnership? You need to know these animals are from people with the same approach to animal keeping and breeding that we do, are disease free, and most importantly captive bred! To learn more, please read our blog on the Josh's Frogs Certified Breeder Program.

Recommended Terrarium Size:Pac-Man frogs are sit-and-wait predators. They spend the majority of their time burrowed into the substrate with their eyes (and horns in some species) above the substrate. Because of this, caging does not need be spacious. Babies can be kept in small, plastic reptile enclosures, whereas adults can be caged in enclosures of 10 to 20 gallons.Pac-Man frogs love to burrow. Therefore they require a substrate that they can dig in to. Coir (ground coconut) makes a great substrate and is available at most pet stores. Josh's Frogs offers Complete Care Kits for your convenience.

Temperature:They do best when kept in the mid-high 70s. At Josh's Frogs, we house our Pac-Mans at 72-78F. Temperatures in the high 80s F can quickly be fatal, especially when coupled with a lack of water or humidity. Measure temperature with a digital temperature gauge.

Humidity: Pac-Man Frogs require moderately high humidity, and are best kept at 60-70% humidity. Providing ventilation is very important - we recommend using at least a half screen top. Stagnant, humid conditions quickly leads to bacterial skin infections in Pac-Man Frogs. A large dish of clean water should always be provided. Monitor humidity with a digital hygrometer.

Size:At the time of sale, captive bred Pac-Man frogs from Josh’s Frogs will measure about the size of a silver dollar and be between 8 and 12 weeks old. These frogs grow quickly and can reach adult size in 10-12 months. Females may be up to 5" in length, with males slightly smaller.

Age:With proper care, they can live up to and over 5 years. Reports of 8-10 year old animals abound, and many hobbyists routinely keep PacMan frogs for 4-5 years. All Pac-Man frog froglets sold by Josh's Frogs are 8-12 weeks old.

Feeding:At the time of sale, captive bred Pac-Man frogs from Josh’s Frogs have been chowing down on 1/2″ crickets and pieces of nightcrawlers for several weeks and growing like weeds! As adults, Pac-Mans will easily eat adult crickets, dubia roaches, and whole nightcrawlers. Prey items should be be dusted with a quality vitamin/mineral supplement. At Josh's Frogs, we dust with Repashy Calcium Plus, RepCal Calcium with D3, and RepCal Herptivite.

Sexing:When mature, Pac-Man frogs are fairly straightforward to sex if you have multiple animals of the same age. Females are larger than males. Mature male Pac-Man frogs tend to call at night. All Pac-Man froglets sold by Josh's Frogs are unsexable.

Color/Pattern:This is the 'high red' phase of the Ornate Horned Frog, and tends to be green, with a creamy white belly and brown spots with significant amounts of red/brown coloration. The number of spots and intensity of color can vary quite a bit.

Social Behavior:These frogs are loners, and will eat each other. Housing them individually is strongly recommended. Even when starting out with several frogs, when housed together you'll typically end up with one.

Breeding:Pac-Man Frogs are produced in large numbers for the pet trade, but breeding via natural means (not utilizing hormones) is tricky and unpredictable. When they are bred, a dry season is replicated, followed by a wet season and upswing in food intake. Mature animals are then introduced into a rain chamber, where eggs are deposited in water. Check out our video of Josh's Frogs Rain Chamber Setup.

Natural Range:In the wild, The Ornate Pac-Man Frogs are native to the Pampean region of Argentina (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, La Pampa, Mendoza and Santa Fe), Uruguay (Rocha and San José), and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from 0-500m asl.

History in the Hobby:Pac-Man Frogs have been popular in the pet trade for a long time. They are fairly easy to breed via artificial methods, which means they are readily available. The Ornate Pac-Man Frogs come in a wide range of color and pattern mutations.

Links of Interest:

Joshs' Frogs Care Sheet on Pac-Man Frogs

Still not sure if Pac-Man Frogs from Josh's Frogs are the right pet frog for you? Read the reviews below and see what other customers are saying!

High Red Ornate Pac-Man Frog - Ceratophrys ornata (Captive Bred CBP) (2024)


Are Pacman frogs captive bred? ›

You need to know these animals are from people with the same approach to animal keeping and breeding that we do, are disease free, and most importantly captive bred! To learn more, please read our blog on the Josh's Frogs Certified Breeder Program. Recommended Terrarium Size: Pac-Man frogs are sit-and-wait predators.

How long do Pacman frogs live in captivity? ›

A Strawberry Pacman frog may live between 1 and 4 years in the wild. In captivity, Strawberry Pacman frogs typically live between 6 and 10 years. They can live as long as 15 years with the right diet and proper care.

How big of a tank does a Pacman frog need? ›

A Pacman frog should live in a terrarium that's a minimum 10 gallons. The terrarium should have a screened lid. Line the bottom of the terrarium with 2 to 4 inches (5-10 cm) of coconut-fiber or bark bedding; your frog will enjoy burrowing in it.

Are Pacman frogs aggressive? ›

Pacman frogs are naturally aggressive eaters and will bite anything that approaches them. That's why I recommend using tongs when feeding them. Pacman Frogs are not venomous but do have fangs, one of the only frog species to have teeth.

What are the health issues with Pacman frogs? ›

Pacman frogs are generally quite hardy but may be prone to obesity, nutritional-secondary hyperparathyroidism (metabolic bone disease), red-leg (bacterial disease), and fungal disease. Chytridiomycosis is a fungal disease of high concern, as it is responsible for the death of amphibian species worldwide.

Are Pacman frogs friendly? ›

Pacman Frog Behavior and Temperament

These amphibians are docile pets, but their counterparts in the wild have been known to bite if they feel threatened. A Pacman frog's appetite matches its size, and it will attempt to eat anything that moves within striking distance of where it sits on the ground.

Are PacMan frogs difficult to care for? ›

Difficulty: Easy

These frogs prefer moist grasslands for habitat, and spend most of their lives partially buried.

Can I keep a PacMan frog in an aquarium? ›

Housing: Male frogs can be kept in a 10-gallon aquarium, however females may require something as large as a 20-gallon tank. You will just have to keep an eye on the size of your frog and make a judgement call on this.

Are PacMan frogs good for beginners? ›

Pacman frogs are a fun species from South America, named for their big wide mouth paired with a voracious appetite. Captive bred specimens are easy to come by in a large variety of color morphs. These frogs have more simple husbandry requirements which makes them a good beginner amphibian for young children.

What kind of cage does a PacMan frog need? ›

Pacman frogs do well with a glass terrarium as their enclosure. This is because glass is great at allowing heat to escape ensuring that the enclosure stays cool enough. Other enclosures such as wooden vivariums are far too efficient at retaining heat.

Do PacMan frogs need a heat mat? ›

Learning Points. Cold-blooded animals, such as PacMan frogs, require an external heat source to stay warm. The lack of an external heat source may cause the PacMan frog to develop a weakened immune system. This may lead to an unhealthy PacMan frog and possibly premature death.

Is it OK to touch a Pacman frog? ›

However, like all amphibians, Pacman frogs are sensitive to the oils in our skin and may be stressed by too much handling. It is best to avoid excessive handling and wear gloves if the frog needs to be handled. Vinyl gloves are best, as latex sensitivities have been reported in amphibians.

Does a frog bite hurt? ›

Frogs do not have the physical attributes for biting as mammals or reptiles do. Their feeding behavior revolves around swallowing prey whole using their specialized tongue and jaw structure. Frog "bites" as we commonly understand them are not a concern when interacting with these creatures.

Do Pacman frogs puff up? ›

Pacman frogs will puff up when feeling threatened, letting you know that they're fierce and don't want to be approached.

How do Pacman frogs reproduce? ›

In the wild, ornate horned frogs will mate all year round. In captivity, this species only mates with supplementary hormones. Up to 500 eggs are laid per clutch, but they are spread out into several different clumps.

Where do Pacman frogs come from? ›

The Pacman Frog is native to its namesake, South America. They are endemic to some dry regions in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil. Strawberry Pacman frogs are terrestrial frogs, so they live their lives on the ground versus in trees or in the water.

Do Pacman frogs completely buried? ›

Enclosure size - Pacman frogs being a very lazy, ground dwelling ambush predator, they do not require much space to thrive and live a long life, however they do require enough space to bury themselves completely while having access to their necessary heat gradients.

How to get a Pac Man Frog out of estivation? ›

If humidity goes too low, your frog will likely estivate, turning their skin very tough and barely moving. They are likely not dead, and returning the humidity to normal will bring them out of it. Pacman frogs will bathe in their water, so make sure that it can be easily climbed into or out of, and cleaned frequently.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.