How To Make Homemade Dog Treats - Petmate (2024)

As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people are having to pay close attention to how they are spending their money. That means only buying essentials and saving the rest. Non-essential items are getting cut from the grocery list and most of the time, the first thing to go is dog treats. However, that doesn't mean Fido should have to go without treats! Save money and learn how to make your own dog treats with items already in your pantry. Not only will this be a healthier option for your dog to enjoy, but it will also save you some money and give you something to do in the kitchen while we continue to shelter in place.


One easy and fun dog treat to make is a homemade dog trail mix! For starters, the dog treat trail mix will include a few ingredients from your fridge. The ingredients include:

1. Meat (any kind you have on hand. If seasoned, be sure to wash off seasoning)

2. Potatoes

3. Other vegetables you may have in your pantry (just no onions! These can be bad for your furbaby)

4. Fruit (no grapes or raisins. These are poisonous to dogs)

One of the highlights of this treat is how easy it is to prepare! The steps to create this yummy masterpiece are as follows:

1. Cut all ingredients into about 1/4 inch pieces and place them on a baking sheet

2. Spray lightly with reduced-fat cooking spray

3. Place baking sheet into a food dehydrator OR into a 200-degree oven until the food is completely dried

4. When cool, place trail mix into a large one-gallon plastic bag for storage

How To Make Homemade Dog Treats - Petmate (1)

This trail mix is one of the best, healthier, and most natural treats your pup will have ever had. This treat is really useful for rewarding good behavior in small amounts. Since the trail mix has smaller portions, you can use it for everyday training techniques like potty training or teaching your dog new tricks. Not only that, but you can fill up your dog's favorite treat-dispensing toy with the trail mix and watch your dog go nuts with the homemade treats made by you!

The JW Robobone Electronic Treat Dispenser (shown right) would be a wonderful tool to use your homemade dog trail mix with. Not only does the toy dispense treats, but it's also programmed to move and run away from your dog, keeping your dog chasing the toy during playtime. If your dog has had enough, the toy will go into sleep mode and only away when your dog gives it a nudge. It's a fun, effortless way to keep your dog entertained while you work from home or have things to get done around the house.

Another easy-to-use and fun interactive treat puzzle toy is the JW Rockin' Treat Ball. This treat dispensing dog toy works similarly to the JW RoboBone in that as it moves around it dispenses treats to keep your dog's attention. However, it is not electronic and only dispenses treats if your dog is playing with it. It may not have the same level of interaction but it still lives up to the purpose and expectation.


How To Make Homemade Dog Treats - Petmate (2)

Another homemade dog treat is some puppy-friendly froyo! This might seem more like a dessert treat, and there is nothing wrong with that! These are more of an after-dinner treat for your pup while you enjoy your bowl of ice cream. The ingredients needed for this homemade dog treat are:

1. 32 ounces of vanilla yogurt

2. 1 cup of peanut butter

Super simple right? This easy peanut butter froyo only has two simple ingredients and is super easy on your finances. The next step is to combine the ingredients and create that masterful treat. The simple recipe is as follows:

1. Melt the peanut butter in a microwave-safe bowl.

2. Combine the yogurt and peanut butter together to get a smooth finish. Add more peanut butter to thicken

3. Pour the mixture into cupcake papers or any fun dessert molds you have in your home.

4. Finally, place the molds into the freezer and allow them to firm up over the next 4 hours.

These treats can be a litter richer for your dog. That being said, you may want to get a treat toy that will slow down your dog's intake of this specific treat. The JW Twist In Treats Dog Toy (shown below) is a great option to slow down your dog while he eats this treat. Instead of using the treats to come with the toy, leave the mold in the center empty, and fill it up with the froyo mixture instead. Place the entire toy in the freezer for 4 hours os that it can mold to the toy. Then give it to your dog for a lickin' good time.

How To Make Homemade Dog Treats - Petmate (3)

While we are all trying to find ways to keep busy and entertained during this difficult time our society is in, caring for our dogs while saving money can be a great trick for keeping busy and distracted. By making these homemade treats for your dog, you are giving them a healthier treat option while saving money! There are so many other fun ways to keep dogs occupied during this time. So get creative and enjoy these moments with your dog.


How To Make Homemade Dog Treats - Petmate (2024)


Can I use regular flour for dog treats? ›

In general, we recommend staying away from all purpose flour for your dog. It's not going to hurt them in small amounts, but it just doesn't have the nutritional value that you can get from other kinds of flour.

Can I make and sell homemade dog treats? ›

A: No. A processed pet food, including treats, cannot be made in a residential home. All processed pet foods must be made in an approved facility. Acceptable types of facilities include: private or shared commercial kitchens, restaurant/church/school kitchens, commercial facilities.

Are homemade dog treats safe for dogs? ›

Maybe you're tired of limiting your pup to the treats at your local pet store. Maybe you want to feed your dog healthier ingredients. Or maybe you simply want to dote on them with fresh, home-cooked munchies. Here's the good news: It's perfectly fine to feed your dog homemade treats.

What is the safest flour for dog treats? ›

Whole-Grain Flours for Dogs
  • Barley.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Millet.
  • Oat.
  • Pea.
  • Quinoa.
  • Rice.
  • Sorghum.

What is the healthiest flour to use for dog treats? ›

Almond flour

It's grain and gluten-free and high in plant-based proteins. It's rich in healthy fats, calcium, fibre, iron and vitamin E as well.

How do you make a simple treat dispenser? ›

Drill or cut holes in your bottles and place them on the dowel. Secure your dowel in place. Paint edges of wood to add some color (optional). Place a few treats or kibble in each of the bottles.

What do you put in a dog treat dispenser? ›

How to Stuff a SodaPup Treat Dispenser
  1. Peanut Butter seems to be the most common enrichment toy stuffing. ...
  2. Store bought treat dispenser stuffing is a popular item at pet stores. ...
  3. Broth (chicken or beef are popular choices) is a great supplement when stuffing a SodaPup Treat Dispenser because you can easily freeze it.
Jan 16, 2021

Do homemade dog treats need preservatives? ›

Yes, there are a number of organic preservatives that you can add to your organic dog treats to extend their shelf life. Here are a few options: Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that can help to prevent fats from going rancid.

How much do people sell homemade dog treats for? ›

Homemade dog treats sell for between $15 and $25. They should be priced based on how much it costs you to produce them including the ingredients, packaging, and other selling fees. There should be a minimum of 30% profit margin on homemade dog treats.

Do you need FDA approval to sell dog treats? ›

There is no requirement that pet food products have premarket approval by the FDA. However, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) requires that pet foods, like human foods, be safe to eat, produced under sanitary conditions, contain no harmful substances, and be truthfully labeled.

Is it cheaper to make your own dog treats? ›

Easy Homemade Dog Treats are made with just 3 ingredients! All it takes is banana, peanut butter, and oats and you can make these cute cookies for your pup, or for a doggy friend of yours. Not only are these easy to make, but they are so much more affordable than store-bought treats and dogs LOVE them!

What not to put in homemade dog food? ›

What ingredients should you avoid in homemade dog food? There's a vast number of human foods which should never be fed to dogs. Here's a list of ingredients you should avoid in your homemade dog food recipe: Onions, garlics and chives: these can cause gastrointestinal problems and damage to red blood cells.

Why are my homemade dog treats molding? ›

To begin with, any dog treats you make at home need to be completely dry before you store them. So bake them thoroughly and then allow them to cool before adding them to any storage medium. (Any remaining moisture will result in the growth of mould.

Are banana good for dogs? ›

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. In moderation, bananas are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They're high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and sodium, but because of their high sugar content, bananas should be given as a treat, not part of your dog's main diet.

Can you use regular flour instead of wheat flour for dog treats? ›

The good news is that none of the flours you're likely to see on your store shelves are actually dangerous for your dog. However, white flour is highly processed and has no nutritional value whatsoever, so please don't use that in Fido's treats.

What kind of flour can you use for dog treats? ›

Whole wheat flour: is packed with fiber, and protein, and is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin E, copper, iron, manganese, and selenium. You could alternatively substitute this with oat flour or another dog-safe flour.

Can you use regular flour instead of oat flour for dog treats? ›

Technically you could use all-purpose flour in this recipe. That being said, it is a good idea to consider your specific dogs dietary needs. Some dogs have a wheat allergy or sensitivity. In those cases it is a good idea to substitute oat flour, chickpea flour, or whole wheat which offers more nutritional value.

What is a substitute for wheat flour in dog treats? ›

I like to use chick pea/garbanzo bean flour when making dog treats. It has a similar consistency to wheat flour. Also, using more wet ingredients than dry could help the treats be less dry.

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