Striking First in a Street Fight "Reality-Based Self-Defense You Can Trust" Contemporary Fighting Arts (2024)

Self-Defense practitioners are always looking to improve their odds of surviving a self-defense situation. We will spend hundreds of dollars on equipment, travel all over the world seeking expert instruction and train their bodies until the point of exhaustion. However, one of the most important and often neglected aspects of street survival is mastery of CFA’s First Strike principle.

CFA’s First Strike Principle

CFA’s First Strike principle states the following: Whenever you are squared off with a dangerous adversary and there is no way to safely escape, you must strike first, strike fast, strike with authority, and keep the pressure on. This offensive strategy is essential to the process of neutralizing a formidable adversary in a street fight. A first strike is defined as the strategic application of proactive force designed to interrupt the initial stages of an assault before it becomes a self-defense situation.

One inescapable fact about street combat is the longer the fight lasts, the greater your chances of serious injury or even death. Common sense suggests that you must end the street fight as quickly as possible. Striking first is the best method of achieving this combat objective because it permits you to neutralize your adversary swiftly while at the same time precluding his ability to effectively retaliate. No time is wasted and no unnecessary risks are taken.

The element of surprise is invaluable. Launching the first strike gives you the upper hand because it allows you to attack the adversary suddenly and unexpectedly. As a result, you demolish his defenses and ultimately take him out of the fight.

Don’t Get Confused

Do not confuse the first strike principle with the single attack methodology. The single attack (AKA “simple attack”) is one of the five conventional methods of fighting conceived by Bruce Lee whereby the fighter delivers a solitary offensive strike or it may involve a series of discrete probes or one swift and powerful strike aimed at terminating the fight. Whatever the strategy, the single attack is clearly unsuitable for street self-defense.

First, in a volatile street fight, what sense does it make to remain uncommitted to the adversary? I can assure you that you cannot neutralize an opponent by lingering at the perimeter of the encounter. Rather than toying around with single probes and other “feelers”, you must commit yourself 100 percent with the most effective flurry of blows appropriate to the ranges, angles and use of force justification that presents itself.

Second, you cannot afford to gamble that one perfectly executed kick, punch or strike will end the street fight. Do not get me wrong – it is not that it cannot be accomplished. I know for a fact that a powerful and accurately placed blow can end a street fight. However, single strike victories are few and far between.

The first strike principle, however, is much different from the single attack because it is a constituent of your overall compound attack. It is not predicated upon one isolated strike. Your pre-emptive strike is just one of the many offensive blows that shower your opponent.

BEWARE! Do not be a defensive fighter in a street fight

A defensive fighter is one who permits his adversary to seize and maintain offensive control in a fight. Beware! this defensive mindset can get you killed in street combat. Simply put, allowing your antagonist the opportunity to deliver the first strike is tactical suicide. It is like allowing a gunslinger to draw his pistol first. Never forget that in unarmed combat, if you permit the adversary to strike first, he might injure or possibly kill you, and he will most certainly force you into an irreversible defensive flow that can preclude you from issuing an effective counter attack.

Employing the first strike principle requires an offensive mentality that compels you to act rather than react. You must be aggressive and take affirmative and absolute control of the situation by making all the decisions and acting immediately without apprehension or trepidation.

Unfortunately, some martial art instructors teach their students to wait for their opponent to make the first move. This can be a BIG MISTAKE! In the mean streets of America, this reactive type of approach will get you a one way trip to the city morgue.

There are also self-defense practitioners who are simply too timid to take the initiative and attack first. Many will not strike first because they simply do not know how to successfully execute a preemptive strike. While others are uncertain about the legal requirements and justifications. As a result, they second guess their instincts, hesitate, and end up kissing the pavement. Therefore, it is imperative that you have a basic understanding of the legal requirements of launching a preemptive strike in a self-defense situation.

First Strike Justifications

The most difficult aspects of the first strike principle is exactly when can a martial artist strike first. Well, since every self-defense situation is going to be different, there is no simple answer to this question. However, there are some fundamental elements that must be present if you are going to launch a preemptive strike.

First, you must never use force against another person unless it is absolutely justified. Force is broken down into two levels: lethal and non-lethal. Lethal force is defined as the amount of force that can cause serious bodily injury or death. While non-lethal force is defined as an amount of force that does not cause serious bodily injury or death.

Keep in mind that any time you use physical force against another person, you run the risk of having a civil suit filed against you. Anyone can hire a lawyer and file a suit for damages. Likewise, anyone can file a criminal complaint against you. Whether criminal charges will be brought against you depends upon the prosecutor or grand jury’s views of the facts. Nevertheless, I can tell you that if you are trained in the martial arts, a jury of your peers will hold you to a much higher standard of behavior.

Second, the first strike principle should only be used as an act of protection from unlawful injury or the immediate risk of unlawful injury. If you decide to launch a preemptive strike against your adversary, you had better be certain that a reasonable threat exists and that it is absolutely necessary to protect yourself from immediate danger. Remember, the decision to launch a preemptive strike must always be a last resort where all other means of avoiding and defusing violence have been exhausted.

Does A Reasonable Threat Exist?
To determine if a reasonable threat exists, you must accurately assess your situation. Assessment is the process of rapidly gathering and analyzing information and then accurately evaluating it in terms of threat and danger. In general, there are two factors to assess before launching a first strike: the environment and the adversary. Let us start with the environment and its related elements.


Since a street fight can occur anywhere, you must quickly evaluate the strategic implications of your environment, which is made up of your immediate surroundings, such as a street corner, parking lot, football stadium, golf course, grocery store, gas station, the beach, etc. There are six essential factors to consider when assessing your environment. They are: escape routes, barriers, makeshift weapons, terrain, positions of cover, and positions of concealment. Let us take a look at each one:

1. Escape routes. These are the various avenues or exits that allow you to flee from the threatening situation safely. Some possible escape routes are windows, fire escapes, doors, gates, escalators, fences, walls, bridges, and staircases.

2. Barriers. A barrier is any object that obstructs the assailant’s path of attack. At the very least, barriers give you some distance and some time, and they may give you some safety – at least temporarily. A barrier, however, must have the structural integrity to perform the particular function that you have assigned it. Barriers are everywhere and include such things as large desks, doors, automobiles, dumpsters, large trees, fences, walls, heavy machinery, and large vending machines.

3. Makeshift weapons. These are common, everyday objects that can be converted into offensive and defensive weapons. Like a barrier, a makeshift weapon must be appropriate to the function you have assigned to it. You will not be able to knock your assailant out with a car antenna, but you could whip it across his eyes and temporarily blind him. While you could knock your assailant unconscious with a good, heavy flashlight, you could not use it to shield yourself from a knife attack. Makeshift weapons can be broken down into the following four types: a) striking, b) distracting, c) shielding, and d) cutting.

4. Terrain. This is a critical environmental factor. What are the strategic implications of the terrain you are standing on? Will the surface area interfere with your ability to fight your adversary? Terrain falls into one of these two possible categories: a) stable terrain- principally characterized as stationary, compact, dense, hard, flat, dry, or solid ground, and b) unstable terrain – principally characterized as mobile, uneven, flexible, slippery, wet, or rocky ground.

5. Positions of cover. A position of cover is any object or location that temporarily protects you from the assailant’s gunfire. Some examples include large concrete utility poles, large rocks, thick trees, an engine block, the corner of a building, concrete steps, and so on. Positions of cover are important not only because they protect you from gunfire but because they buy you some time and allow you to assess the situation from a position of safety. When choosing a position of cover, avoid selecting the following objects because bullets can penetrate them: a) internal doors, b) small trees, c) car doors, d) all glass windows, e) dry wall, f) tall grass, g) trunk of your car, h) overturned tables, i) trash cans, j) shrubbery, and k) fences.

6. Positions of concealment. These are various locations or objects that allow you to hide from your adversary temporarily. Positions of concealment are most commonly used to evade engagement with your assailant(s), and they permit you to attack with the element of surprise. Positions of concealment include trees, shrubbery, doors, the dark, walls, stairwells, cars, and other large and tall objects. WARNING: Do not forget that positions of concealment will not protect you from an assailant’s gunfire.


Before launching your first strike, you must assess the source of danger. Who is posing the reasonable threat? Is it someone you know, or is he a complete stranger? Is it one person or two or more? What are his intentions in confronting you? Pay very close attention to all available clues, especially nonverbal indicators. Your answers to these important questions will shape your overall tactical response. There are five essential factors to consider when assessing a threatening adversary: demeanor, intent, range, positioning, and weapon capability.

1. Demeanor. What is the adversary’s outward behavior? Watch for both verbal and nonverbal clues. For example, is he shaking, or is he calm and collected? Are his shoulders hunched or relaxed? Are his hands clenched? Is his neck taut? Is he clenching his teeth? Is he breathing hard? Does he seem angry, frustrated, or confused? Does he seem high on drugs? Is he mentally ill or simply intoxicated? What is he saying? How is he saying it? Is he making sense? Is his speech slurred? What is his tone of voice? Is he talking rapidly or methodically? Is he cursing and angry? Remember that all of these verbal and nonverbal cues are essential in accurately assessing the assailant’s overall demeanor and adjusting your tactical response accordingly.

2. Intent. Once you have assessed the adversary’s demeanor, you’re in a much better position to assess his intent. In other words, why is this person confronting you? Does he intend to rob or kill you? Is he trying to harass you? Is he seeking vengeance for something you have done? Or is he a troublemaker looking to pick a fight with you? Determining the assailant’s intent is perhaps the most important assessment factors, but it also can be the most difficult.

3. Range. Range is the spatial relationship between you and your adversary in terms of distance. In unarmed combat, for example, there are three possible ranges from which your adversary can launch his attack- kicking, punching, and grappling ranges. When assessing your adversary, you’ll need to recognize the strategic implications and advantages of his range immediately. For example, is he close enough to land a punch effectively? Is he at a distance from which he could kick you? Is he in a range that would allow him to grab hold of you and take you down to the ground? Is he within range to slash you with a knife or strike you with a bludgeon? Is the assailant moving closer to you? If so, how fast? Does the threatening assailant continue to move forward when you step back?

4. Positioning. This is the spatial relationship between you and the adversary in terms of threat, tactical escape, and target selection. In street combat, it’s important to understand the strategic implications of the assailant’s positioning before and during the fight. For example, is he standing squarely or sideways? Is he mounted on top of you in a ground fight? Or is he inside your leg guard? What anatomical targets does the adversary present you with? Is he blocking a door or any other escape route? Is his back to a light source? Is he close to your only possible makeshift weapon? Are multiple assailants closing in on you? Is your assailant firing his gun from a position of cover or concealment?

5. Weapon capability. Always try to determine whether your adversary is armed or unarmed. If he is carrying a weapon, what type is it? Does he have an effective delivery method for the particular weapon? Is he armed with more than one weapon? If so, where are they located? There are four general points of concern when assessing the assailant’s weapon capability, including hand/fingers, general behavior, clothing, and location.

a. Hands/fingers. When strategically scanning your adversary for weapons, quickly glance at his hands and all his fingertips. Can you see them? Is one hand behind him or in his pockets? If you cannot see his fingers, he could be palming a knife or some other edged weapon. Remember to be extremely cautious when the assailant’s arms are crossed in front of his body or when he keeps his hands in his pockets.
b. General behavior. How is the assailant behaving? For example, does he pat his chest frequently (as a weapon security check)? Does he act apprehensive, nervous, or uneasy? Or does he seem to be reaching for something? Is your assailant’s body language incongruous with his verbal statements?
c. Clothing. What the assailant is wearing can also clue you in on what he may be concealing. For example, is the assailant wearing a knife sheath on his belt? Could there be a knife concealed in his boots? At other times you may have to be a bit more analytical. For example, is your assailant wearing a jacket when it is too hot for one? Could it be to conceal a gun at his waist or shoulder? Could he be concealing a gun or edged weapon.
d. Location. Does the assailant seem suspiciously rooted to a particular spot? Or is he running back to his car, possibly to get his gun? Is he close enough to grab that beer bottle on top of the bar? How far is the assailant from a makeshift weapon?

Don’t Stereotype Your Adversary

It is important to consider that the person you must strike first may not fit your stereotype of a dangerous adversary. I know of several people, for example, who erroneously imagine that they will be confronted by a “typical scumbag” – a loathsome, contemptuous, male of another race. But what if your adversary turns out to be a clean-cut, business executive of your own ethnic background who menacingly waves his fist in your face? Will you be able launch a first strike without trepidation?

Resolve Moral Issues Now

Before you decide to execute a first strike in a street fight, it is very important that you raise and resolve moral issues concerning the use of a pre-emptive force in defense of yourself and others. Do your religious or philosophical beliefs permit you to launch a preemptive strike? Could you take the life of another in defense of yourself or a loved one? As a law-abiding citizen, the law clearly gives you the right to defend yourself under certain circ*mstances. Can you accept that, or does the possibility of a justified first strike induce moral doubts in your mind? If you have any apprehension or your conscious precludes you from initiating a preemptive strike then do not attempt to do it. Let me remind you that executing a first strike requires a particular type of psychological and emotional makeup – it is not for everyone! If you would like to lern more about striking first in a street fight, see my first strike book and first strike dvd program.

Good luck and train hard!

Warning! Articles are property of Sammy Franco and Contemporary Fighting Arts, LLC. Reprint or distribution is strictly prohibited. Sammy Franco will aggressively prosecute those found publishing Contemporary Fighting Arts materials on the Internet without written permission. Copyright 2011 ©, Contemporary Fighting Arts. All rights reserved.

Striking First in a Street Fight "Reality-Based Self-Defense You Can Trust" Contemporary Fighting Arts (2024)


What are the best striking arts for self-defense? ›

The most common types of best striking martial arts are boxing, karate, taekwondo, and Muay Thai.

Which martial art emphasizes self-defense with empty hand? ›

Karate. Karate (空手, karate) literally means "empty hand". It is also sometimes called "the way of the empty hand" (空手道, karatedō). It was originally called 唐手 ("Chinese hand"), also pronounced 'karate'.

What is self-defense fighting? ›

Physical self-defense is the use of physical force to counter an immediate threat of violence. Such force can be either armed or unarmed.

How do you learn self-defense fighting? ›

  1. 10 Self-Defense Strategies Everyone Needs to Know.
  2. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. Too many women enroll in a self-defense class after they've been assaulted. ...

What martial art is the most realistic? ›

Krav Maga (Best Martial Art for Self Defense)

In addition to punches, kicks, and throws, it teaches you how to respond to real-life scenarios like how to disarm an attacker.

What is the number one self-defense martial art? ›

Krav Maga, a martial art developed for the Israeli military, boasts unique top self-defense techniques. Unlike traditional martial arts, Krav Maga is designed to be learned quickly and applied efficiently, focusing on real-world situations rather than stylized techniques.

What is the most mindful martial arts? ›

Mindfulness Practice

Both tai chi and Aikido require stilling of the mind while the body is in motion. The training process has many parallels with meditation training.

What is a peaceful martial art? ›

The peaceful martial arts, including Aikido, Taijiquan, and Qigong, are a blend of martial studies, philosophy, and spirituality created to achieve harmony in body, mind, and spirit.

What is a gentle martial art? ›

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which means 'the gentle art' in Japanese, takes place mostly on the ground, and it teaches students to use moves like chokes and holds. It's specifically designed to eliminate or diminish an opponent's physical advantage, so, like Wing Chun, it's very popular among smaller martial artists.

How do you win a fight in self-defense? ›

If you must defend yourself in a fight, scan the immediate area for objects that can be used as weapons and make noise to let others know you need help. Keep your eye on the assailant's fists and aim attacks at vulnerable areas like the face, throat, groin, or stomach. Always try to de-escalate or run away first.

What is the most effective form of self-defense? ›

Some pro-level fighters regard Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) as the toughest of all the martial arts. And if you compare it against the other combat sports, it's hard to argue with them. MMA draws on a number of different methods including kickboxing, Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

What is the most effective move in a street fight? ›

The 5 Best Self-Defense Moves
  1. Elbows and Knees. In a street altercation, you want to avoid punching with your fists. ...
  2. Front Kicks, Side Kicks, and Round Kicks. Kicks are effective strikes because you can keep your opponent at bay. ...
  3. Rear Naked Chokehold. ...
  4. Palm Strikes and Tiger Claws. ...
  5. Running.
Jul 20, 2022

What is the hardest self-defense to learn? ›

The rigorous demands of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu require both physical and mental intensity, making it one of the most challenging martial arts to learn. Developing physical strength is essential for executing techniques effectively.

How to protect yourself in a street fight? ›

Keep 1 hand up to protect your face.

Throughout the fight, no matter what you're doing, keep your non-dominant hand up near your face to protect your head. Bend your arm to create a triangle with your elbow to protect your throat as well. If your attacker is punching you, you can use both hands to protect your face.

What is the best grappling art for self-defence? ›

Many security experts view Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as the most effective martial art to learn for self-defense. Pros: Anyone can learn BJJ regardless of age or athleticism. BJJ teaches you how to gently subdue threats when you choose to and how to immobilize threats with joint locks and chokes.

Is striking better for self-defense? ›

Striking is best for self-defense in a street fight provided you fight on your feet and your attacker is throwing strikes at you.

What is the best non violent martial arts? ›

Aikido is known to be the least violent of all martial arts. A student training in Aikido may not have the same self-defence skills against a peer as with other forms, but it's extremely useful as it teaches basic self-defence moves that can be used against less-skilled people.

What is the best martial art for close protection? ›

Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ).

It promotes the principle that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger assailant using leverage and proper technique; most notably, by applying joint-locks and chokeholds to defeat them.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.