McPherson Daily Freeman from McPherson, Kansas (2024)

Mcpherson daily, freeman. BY II. B. KELLY. Mcpherson, Saturday evening, june2, 1888 VOL.

I NO. 220. GATHERING CLANS, GENERAL SHERIDAN. GENERAL NEWS. platform and looks ovnr the hall the eye sees nothinit but red white and blue WASHINGTON.

maintained that there was no such thing as a lumber trust and that the existing bunting, coats of arms of states and gilded tariff on lumber was entirely reasnnable, Mr. Weaver, of Iowa, had read a mag Visible Improvement in His Democracy Swarms the Streets of No American eagles. Every pillar in the hall is wrapped with bunting from the An A Boiler Explosion at Wyandotte, Michigan. Indian Prinoess Addresses Memorial to Congress. a.iue article describing the opeiations of the lumber trust, written by Ilenry Condition.

the Mound Olty. floor to the ceiling. The three colors contrasted at intervals with wreaths of Lloyd. evergreeen. Bunting is looped from the The question was then put on Mr, I'enry Wntterson Exprescs the flpln- Adams' amendment to substitute January galleries in long festoons.

The platform proper is under the gallery and is edged Three Men Killed Outright and Number of Others Seriously Injured. Attending Army Doctors Coll in Civil lau AM -to Share the Be-sponsion ty. 22. 1889. for July 1, 1888, as the date of ion That Grovcr Clevcla ul Will Bo Renominated.

with evergreen. There is a descent of application of the fre list, and it was defeated yeas. 81: iinvs, 118. three steps from the platform to the speaker's stand and a little square stand morning, adding that, he had just come from his bedside. "The general has had a bad time of it," he remarked, as he walked away, "but I think he will come out all right." A bulletin was issued at two o'clock m.

as follows: Bulletin, 2:00 p. m. No material change has occurred in Gen. Sheridan's condition since tho Issue of the last bulletin and certainly no change for the worse. He has been sleeping (julelly at Intervals for three hours.

R. M. W. Mathews, II. C.

Yarrows. Shortly before three o'clock General Sheridan was informed of the siguing of his commission as general of the army, and he expressed himself as extremely gratified. The following bulletin has just been issued: June 1,9 p. in. The situation remains about the same as through the day.

General Sheridan's Mr. Buchanan, of New Jersey, then offered an amendment to exclude foreign large enough to hold a table and two or three chairs Prof. Pepper, of Philadelphia, Makes a Diagnosis of the Case, and Has bnt Little Senator Thlirinan Disclaims All A nihil Ion to be a Candidate for the Vice Presidency, and Begs to be Let Alone-No prison made gcds from entry. Kncourageuieat to Offer Belief That projects from that. The official reporter is to occupy this.

At the rear of the hall a Mr. Mills made the point of order that it was nt germane the subject matter Slio Charges the White Kace With All the Mbforluncs of the Red Senator Plumb Deprrcates the Slate of Affairs In the Indian Territory, Which Be Declares to be tlie Mont lelornll In Itii History The Rank of General Created by Congress and slierldiin Nominated and Conilrmed Capital Notea. THE SENATE. Washington, June 1. The resolution offered yesterday by Mr.

Call, directing the attorney general to report whether Anasteaia island, near St. Augustine, ('bailee to lap Allen Kar'l Hsh Hitusrs Well Supplied With Catfish, aud the Patient Mas Held His Own During the Day He Accepts the Appointment as General of the Armies and Issues XII huge American eagle flaps his wings be lor the clause. The chairman, Mr. Springer, held that St. Louis Is Happy.

tween two enormous American flags, and directly under the eagle is an equestrian Flint Order as Such. the point of order could only be discussed A Piece of the Boiler Blown a Distance of Two Hundred Feet, Demolishing a Brick Store and the Postoflice The Second Boiler 1.1 fled by the Explosion and Carried Fifty Feet-Crimes and Casualties Wtanootte, Michigan, June 1. At 6:45 this morning the boiler in the plate mill of the Eureka iron and steel works exploded with frightful force, wrecking the entire building. The killed are: Terry McCoy, about sixty years old, an St. Louis, June 1.

While but compar statue of George Washington. At the other end of the hall, over the speaker's by unanimous consent, inasmuch as the time allowed by the house for the debate atively few of the actual participants in and the amendment on the paragrapn the democratic national convention have there hangs from the gallery i i traits of Cleveland, Tilden, Hendricks VRt ArriVAM In Ht l.nnia Anpn truln hnnrra I had expired. mind has been lucid. There has been no renews of yesterday's attack, though there Is but an in ana mnco*cki Un tlie walI bacu 0I thlg in its quota and the city is gradually fill- gallery are white collossal sta'ups ing up. The hotels are all busy to-day of Jackson and Jefferson, aud between Mr.

Reed, of Maine, cave notice that he would appeal from this decision of the chair. Mr. Buchanan was meanwhile permitted to combat the point of order, but after he had concluded his remarks the chair decided that his ameudment mukinir nrnnn mt inns for tlm apnnmimwi. them a painting of the capital in Wash complete recovery from its effect. No new unfavorable symptoniB have been developed, The employe of the mill, of twenty-two years.

is the property of th United States and whether the whole or any part of it is-covered by Spanish grants, was taUen ington. On both sides of the speaker's twin of rlnlairtitAft Ann aur I lis mnrmtiir 1 unavoidable excitement connected with his pro stuna are tne Beatg for tje newspaper re motion has bad no deletorlous effect whatever. He was night watchman. He leaves a widow and five children. Patrick Finn, twenty-two years of age, great truck loads of cots and pillows be- porters and none of them will be between was out of order.

up and agreed to. The house bill to amend the agricul tie has slept qulstly through a great part of the can arriving and will soon be brought the orator and his audience. The tele day. Washington, June 1. So severe was Gen.

Sheridan's relapse yesterday that Father Chappelle was summoned to administer extreme unction. Only by rapid work was the crisis averted. The sick man might have died at any moment. The Post says the situation had become so serious that the army surgeons who have been in charge of the case determined to call in civilian aid. It is 8 matter of opinion if their action in calling in outside assistance was not due to despair.

They had reached the end of their rope and their patient was dying. Under the circ*mstances they perhaps were not adverse to dividing the responsibility. At this point a little inside history may not be out of place. Several days after General Sheridan's lirst unmarried. into requisition.

The weather to-dav is companies have their offices for The profits of the lumber business was then made the subject of discussion, at the conclusion of which the committee rosH, and pending a decision upon Mr. Mills' motion to limit to ten minutes tural colleges act of 1802, and other sup plementary acts, in regard to experiment their operators down stairs, and on the George Green, thirty-two years of age, delightfully cool and pleasant. The hali 11. M. ItEII.I.T, W.

Mattiiswb. C. B. Btrnh, H. (J.

YAiUtOW. convention floor are small offices for the at the exposition building will be all married. A number are seriously in tal stations, was, on motion of Mr. Brown, reception of messages which are shot ready within twenty-four hours. To jured.

further debate upon the paragraph, the down below by pneumatic tubes, taken from the callender, amendetl, in morrow night it will be formally opened Had the explosion occurred half an General Sherman Snubbed. phraseology, and passed. house took a recess until eight o'clock, the evening session to be for the consid huh concert, vjoi. tucnaruj. lirignr, THE RACE TRACK.

At Latonla. Beargeant-at-arms, has been here for the The senate then proceeded to the con New Yokk, June 1. Those in charge hour later there would have been at least one hundred men at work besides many eration or private pension bins. past two days perfecting its sideration of the Indian appropriation of the memorial dav celebration of thin IjATONia, une 1. First race, seven- Justice Fuller's Nomination.

women and children, who are always bill. In the course of a discussion on city seemed to have been possessed of Frederick P. Prense, secretary of the eights mile, selling Drumstick won, The senate committee on the judiciary the subject of education of In genius for blundering. Mayor Hewitt'i democratic national committee arrived there at that hour, with breakfasts for the men. Some of the in lured are Lett Elyters second, Col.

Owens third; time, last evening. The Massachusetts dele absence from the grand stand was no failed again this morning to reach a conclusion in regard to the nomination of attack a physician was called in whose Curtis, a helper burned about the face dian children in Alaska, Mr. Blair sent to the clerk's desk and had read a letter from au Indian woman who, ticed. and it now transpires that he was gation was not only a unit for Cleve laud, but th it it heartily and unanimous Second race, selling Martin Russell and Poco*ck. helper.

Melville W. Fuller to be chief justice, not invited. The fact that Gen. Sher won, Winning Way second, Jake Miller ly endorsed his position on the tariff name has never appeared on any bulletin, lie found that digitalis had been given in large quantities and to a dangerous ex It is understood that further information burned by escaping steam, Z. E.

Haney, third; time, he said, had been a delegate to the re man's well known face was not seen in question. M. M. Hum, editor aud pro. inird race, one and one-eighth miles.

helper, burned about the face, Joseph from Chicago is awaited. The most se cent woman's convention in Washington prietor 01 the Dubuque Herald, and a handicap Long Alight won. Ascola sec any place of prominence also excited comment, and it is now learued that he Weiss, laborer, deep gash cut in the top rious of the charges against Mr. Fuller member of the national democratic committee from Iowa, arrivvd last evening ond, Lottie Wall third; time, 1:57. and was a descendant of a Mohawk Indian.

The letter was dated from Kala are those from Mr. Dunlevy, cf Chicago Jfourth race, one mile Beaconsfleld was not only not incited, but when and said: "Iowa democracy have but won, Sunbeam second, Mamie Hunt mazoo and was signed "Princess Siro one sentiment on the tariff question sent a request for a ticket to the exer They allege that the clerk of the court and Mr. Fuller were jury commissioners third; time, of his head. Several others were more or less hurt by missies flying about the mill. The explosion was terrific.

The great plate mill, ninety by one hundred feet, with a roof sixty feet from the floor, President Cleveland's message has been cises at the Metropolitan opera house in tent. He ordered its suspension and substituted strychnia, a powerful nervine. He, too, suggested the use of oxygen. The result of his course was seen in the long rally which followed the attack of Sunday morning and which lasted until Wednesday night. Having given directions as to the treatment he llth race, one and one-fourth miles in 1881, and that Mr.

a uiier drew a jury adopted as their platform, Cleveland is the evening he was curtly informed that before which a case in which he was qua." In it the princess contrasts the conditions of the Indians in Canada and the United States, much to the advantage of the former, and says: "I believe that their candidate for president. Oaks Lavina Belle won, Julia L. second, Lor Angeles third; time, all the seats were sold. himself heavily interested was tried. The was blown to fragments.

ruth race, one and one-half mile As the press resented the slight to the Seuator Hearst is at St. Louis. He said: "lam not aching for the vice presidency. I bear California's commis result, according to Dunlevy, was a verdict for Fuller and the consequent recov. Lavinia Belle won, Julia L.

second, Los It was all but miraculous that the loss general he has published a letter in which congress as a body wishes us no Angeles third; time, 2:12. ery of a large and valuable tract of sion in the senate ot the United States he makes a plain statement of the case, wrong, but nevertheless great wrongs swamp land. The committee have tele und I that honor enough. I In closing be makes a suggestion which of life was not greater. A piece of boiler weighing three tons was blown across Eureka avenue, a distance of two hun are done.

Some of them never can be graphed for a transcript of the lecords, don't think that to surrender the senator- will be of interest to all. lie says: At St. Louis. St Louis, June 1. First race, one and retired and immediately other complications arose.

The oedema of the legs grew so intense that the patient, who had been lying on a reclining chair in a half sitting posture, was transferred to a bed righted. One of the greatest wrongs is and will await its receipt. And now I address my comrades of the G. A. It.

thip and take the vice presidency would lie in the line of promotion. I think that the Introduction of the Are water among one-sixteenth miles Wheeler T. won. which these civic ceremonies make posBiMe, as General Sheridan Accepts, Sugar second, Lelax third; time, one of themselves, not claiming any privilege by the United States s'jnat'irship is about the biggest ollice on earth at the present At 3:45 p. m.

General Sheridan signed reason of exalted rank and honors far above my and placed flat on his back. The strain my people. I appeal to a nation to see that the Indians are educated. Send less theology among them and more Second race, seven-eighths mile, Lafitte won, Lucy Johnson second. dred feet, striking Brennan's brick store and postolllce, tearing out a large hole in the wall.

The second boiler was lifted by the explosion almost intact and carried fifty feet. On one end of the boiler rested a great section of the iron time." deserts, if it is not better that we should devote the following formal acceptance of his on the legs being thus reduced, aided, Among tne aistinguisned arrivals in Alfred third; time, Decoration Pay to the cemeteries which contain commission as general of the army. perhaps, by bandages, the oedema St. Louis to-day was Henry Watterson, true Christianity. Send honest people, if our honored dead and the dedication of perma lhird race, one and one-fourth miles.

IlBADQfAIlTEliS of the lngs was not entirely ot the LiOuiBvuie Uourter-Journal, merchants handicap Terra Cotta won, United Army I State, 1 1, 1HH8. AlIMY bTATEH, "UD, 1 tmnk we shall have an easy nent monuments in their honor for the teaching of patriotism for future generations, instead of swelling stieet parades and pageants, for the subdued, and the matter which I'aragon second, Unit third; time 2:704. vv AsiiiMoTON, D. une you have any among you. An Indian loves honor and truth, but despises deceit.

We have great reason to be proud time of it, all around," said he in answer Fourth race, half mi McKenzm The Hon. Secretary of War: Sib: I have the- produced, the oedema was not entirely roof. From under this and behind a mass of spiintered wood the twisted iron and shattered brick came the most pitiful moaning and A part of the to a reporter question. "Its all plain won, Fannie King second, Alpena third glorification of "belllgerant non honor to acknowledge the re ceipt of my commie eliminated from the system, through the that we are Indians. We have never sailing and there is no reason why we time, 50', slon as general of the rmy, to which position the president has to-day appointed me.

I hereby ac kidneys. Like a bottle on its side, the suiiuju uui gei, uiruugu wim our wora who make nse of us for their own purpose. Your friend, W. T. Sherman.

Great Bend's Prospect Well. rapidly. 1 think Mr. Cleveland will be cept the same. P.

11. Shimdan. fluid, as suggested in the Pott, penetrated At Dodge City. Dodge City, June 1. The result re-nominated the first session the con of The signature was written with a pen the abdomen, then, instead of penetra- veotion holds and the platform aud vice Gbeat Bend, June 1.

Special. The the third day's races is as follows: ting the heart sac and producing death, presidency will be settled in short order. work on our prospect well has been de First race, 2:40 trotting Sandy won cil in a large and perfectly legible hand. Soon as the receipt of his commission as general of the army General Sheridan found its war into the lungs producing senator Ihurmau will probably be se- layed about a week, on account of lack GypRy boy second, Pastime third; time, lucifu iui iiie vu'e-pi esiueucy. coughing.

The congestion and cough were increased and the relapse of yester of masonry tools to prosecute the work "How about the plattorm, did you second race, pacine Flniean won, took the oath of office and directed the issuance of the following general order, bring it with your" asked the reporter. day resulted. When Dr. Lincoln came Baldy second. Drg third: time.

2:35. However, the tools arrived yesterday and work was immediately resumed. In the said the Kentucky editor, grave being his first official act in his capacity his keen insight disclosed the difficulty ly, "we have not begun that yet, but there been known to manufacture alcoholic drinks to destroy the body and soul. Neither have we language to take God's name in vain. In the course of the discusion, Mr.

Dawes intimated that the five tribes had reached a certain grade of civilization and had stopped there, if they had not even retrograded. Heroic treatment was fast becoming a necessity in order to save the good already secured there. Many of the Indians themselves realizad that fact, and would be glad to have the common heritage divided up among them, without which, in his opinion, a higher state of civilization than they now had was impossible. The Indian as an Indian could not live in this country. A colloquoy took place between Senators Plumb and Bates in reeard to the mean time a four inch stream of clear peat Jesse J.

won, Water Leap second. won be any oimcuitv tnis time. Four as general: and suggested a relief. While endorsing imma third; time, years ago we had a pretty hard fight of salt water has been incessently pouring it lu the committee, but now I dou ex what has been done, he had no hesitation in changing the treatment. To relieve out.

Quite a number of our citizens puct even that trouble in the committee, (Ui'iierul order No, S7 IIeadijiiaktkbs of tbe Army, Adjutant (Jenkiul's Ofkics, Wasihnutun, 1). June 1,1868. First The following named oflicerB are appointed have been drinking the water for differ- BA8EBALL. At New York. lhe plattorm win, ot course, endorse the the pressure on the lungs the general was eat ailments, and many claim that the water possesses great curative properties, president's tariff message and the Mills New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 aides-de-camp on the staff of the general of the bill." bolstered up in bed, to carry off the water which had congested on the lungB, Pittsburg.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 aud the proot seems unquestionably In regard to Senator Thurman aud the army, with the rank of colenel, to date from tills day: that the water is a positive cure tor dis Batteries New York. Titcomb and vice-presidency the Pout-Dispatch has the pepsia. lhe prospect for coal is regarded Murphy; Pittsburg, Morris and Carroll ruins were in Humes. The hose was brought out and water turned on for a minute or two before any attempt could be made to rescue the imprisoned. Then Fenn's body was found.

The top of his head was blown off, and the timbers all about were with blood. He died before he could be taken from the ruins. McGioy was found half way between the body of Finn and the spot where the boiler had stood, while a section of the smokestack covered the upper portion of his body. His head was crushed and portions of his brains spattered on the rusty iron. The limbs were twitching when he was taken up, but life was just flickering out.

Bjth these men were badly scalded. Green was unconscious and frightfully mutilated. The back of his skull was so frectured that a 'finger could be laid in the opening. His jaw was broken, shoulder smashed and he was otherwise bruised in all parts of the body. It is surprising that he lived at all, but he lingered quite half an hour.

He was found thirty feet away from the place of the explosion. The cause of the explosion is unknown aud the loss is Riotous Miners. BnoMWELL, June 1. All miners in the Bluestone district went out on a strike yesterday for two week's pay, and to add to the excitement a negro was arrested for disorderly conduct. After the arrest it was rumored the whites would take him out and lynch him.

At lollowiog telegram mom Uolumbus: as excellent by experts, as the indications Major Michael V. Sheridan Assistant Adjutant General Capt. Standford liase hits jNew York 6. Pittsbursr cathartics were administered. This treatment seems to have been followed with a measure of success, but no great encouragement is now held out by asy- lhe rout-Dispatch correspondent called administration of the office of the commis are exactly similar to rinds in eastern coal Errors New York 6, Pittsburg 4.

C. Kellogg, Fiuh cavalry. on ex senator this atrernuou sioner of Indian affairs, the former as ileitis. Captain Stanhope 12. Blunt, ordnance depart aud asked him in relation to the vice sorting that the condition of things in the At Boston, ment prebideucy, Indian territory was worse man it naa Memorial Day at the Hend.

Gbeat Bend, June 1. Special Second In addition to his duties as aide-do Boston 2 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 "You newspaper people," said the been for many years. That there never camp Colonel Blunt will continue to perform the Indianapolis 1 0010000 08 senator, il 1 never let a fellow alone Memorial day here Wednesday, was duty of inspector of the rifle practice of the head Batteries For Indianapolis, Moffet Ihere have been four or live newspaper was a time when the trader so dominated tha Indian. When the Indian was brought so much in debt by the exactions more largely attended than ever before men calling on me every day tor a and Buckley; for Boston, Clarkson and week." in the history of the county, Business itelly. Jiase hits Indianapolis 7, Jloston of the trader, and when so much liquor quarters of the army.

By command of Uknkhal Sukuidak. B. Duum, Adjutant General. (Official) J. C.

Kkltoh, Ass't Adj't Gen'l. "The country at large is deeply inter o. Errors Indianapolis 7, Boston 14. was sold, and that the commissioner had houses and residences were handsomely ested in the question of your candidacy no experience, was advanced in yenrs. one.

All reports given out at the "door of Gen. Sheridan's house between the hours of five and eight o'clock this morning were to the effect that the general was better and stronger, therefore considerable surprise was manifested when o'clock bulletin was issued and the physicians said over their own signatures that the patient's condition at that hour still justified the greatest anxiety. The scenes at the house this morning were about the same as usual. The windows were decorated, and the streets were filled At Washington. tor the vice-presidency," suggested the and was unequal to the position, while Reviving the Grade of General.

with people and vehicles. correspondent. Mr. Bates defended the character, abili Washington 0 100000001 "There mutt be some mistake about The ceremonies at the cemetery were Chicago 5 0 0 1 2 2 0,0 10 ty, honesty and efllciency of the commis The senate bill reviving the grade of general, which became a law to day, that for the people cannot be interested very interesting and impressive. An un sioner and challenged the senator irom Batteries For Washington, O'Day thing that does not exist.

1 am not usually able address was delivered by Kansas to prove his assertions, which Mr. reads as follows: and Deasly; for Chicago. Van Haltern a candidate for the vine presidency or the Rev. Watson, of the Methodist Plumb promised to do. and Darling.

Base hits Washineton 6. Be it enacted, That the grade of tur auy otlier ouice, consequently there church. In answer to a question from Mr. Blair, Chicago 12. Errors Washington 9, Chi canLOno interest in my assumed can Business was suspended and every Mr.

Dawes said he supposed the Catholic cago o. didacy." church received more of the contracts for body participated, impressions of sur lieutenant general of the army is hereby discontinued and is merged into the grade of general of the army of the United States, which grade shall continue opened at the usual time, and the servants went through their routine duties "Uutyour name is lust now being prise at the number present was common At Philadelphia, the education of scholars in the Indian Territory than the other denominations, mentioned in all parts of the country as and all agree that more extensive prepar of preparing the premises for the day, the one likely to be selected at St. Louis, during the lifetime or the present lieu Philadelphia 00100100 02 Detroit 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 04 ations nereaiter must be made. because it has a bureau in wasnington tea o'clock last night the town was thrown into a state of disturbance by about one hundred negro miners marching to Bluestone Inn, where the prisoner was under guard, and demanded his re- "1 hat may be, but no one has been to look after such matters. The bill was Dr.

Pepper, of Philadelphia, who was summoned last night by telegraph, Batteries For Philadelphia, Casey tenant general, after which such grade, shall cease, and the president of the United States is hereby authorized to ap authorized to use my name in that connection. I want no office of any kind, and finally passed. Adjourned. Old Settlers of Benton. Great Bend, June 1.

Special. and Clements for Detroit, Getzein and lhe guards did not surrender him consequently am not an aspirant for the reached Washington at 5:45 o'clock this morniug. He was met at the station by liennett. liase hits Philadelphia 7, point, witn tne advice and consent of the senate, a general of the army of the vice-presidency. 1 look upon this whole THE HOUSE.

uetroit 11. Jhirrors rnnadeiphia me-troit 4. and the mob began firing on the building with pistols and a general riot ensued, several men were shot, among the rioters Col. Blunt with a carriage and driven di esterday was old settlers' day and a large crowd assembled at Winstead's grove. Appropriate ceremonies were matter as being intended as a friendly United States.

Section two That the pay and allow compliment, but I would much rather rect to the house, arriving there about Dy members 01 the posse the whites had At Brooklyn, that my friends would compliment me ances of the general be the same as here Washington, June Mr. Spinola, of New York, renewed his effort to have passed the senate bill to revive the rank of general of the army for the benefit of six o'clock. The other physicians, with the exception of Dr. Lincoln, were wait by not mentioning my name in that rendered for the occasion. Congratulations and hand shaking over our well be Brooklyn 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -3 way." tofore allowed for that grade.

Postmaster General Dickinson 111. Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 organized. At a late hour the mob dispersed after several arrests. More trouble is expected. Owing to the inaccessibility of the place further particulars cannot be had.

ing and general good prospects for a "liut they doubtless assume that you ing for him and upon his arrival all immediately proceeded to the sick cham Batteries Brooklyn, Hughes and Peo Lieutenant General SheridaD, but Mr. crop. All seemed to be enjoying them are desirous of seeing president Cleve Postmaster ueneral Dickinson was ples; BCinzinncti, Yiau and Baldwin. land re-elected." Kilgore, of Texas, again objected. Mr.

selves, and the day closed with happy confined to his house yesterday by a ma Base hits Brooklyn 7, Cincinnati 4. "There is no ground for either assump ber, where Dr. Pepper made a careful and thorough diagnosis of the case. That the results of his examination were not recollections of this much looked-fcr event. Gen.

T. T. Taylor, of Hutchinson, larial attack and General Stevenson took Errors Brooklyn 8, Cincinnati 8. Randall suggested that the bill might he passed Monday under a suspension of tion or supposition on that score. I am The Joneses and Greens.

Knoxtillk, Tenn. June 1. A battle his place. desirous of seeing Mr. Cleveland re-elect- delivered the address ot the occasion and the rules, and it was again laid over.

At Philadelphia. of an encouraging character, is clearly was welcomed by hearty feelings of ed. All that I can do in that behalf will be done cheerfully, as in my opinion he took place between the Jones and Green factions in Hanco*ck county yesterday, shown by the brevity and evident alarm Devoured by Bears. Charlottesville, June 1. A Athletics 0 201000104 St, Louis 0 0000001 12 expressed in the bulletin signed by him, will be elected by an increased majority.

Mr. Mills, of Texas, rising in his place, asked in the name of the confederate soldiers living and dead, that the house which resulted in the death of two of the He remained in consultation with the A man with the courage, the honesty, the friendship. Fainted at the Wrong Moment. Omaaa, June 1. A most daring rob bery was committed at the house of Jo Batteries Athletics, Mattimere and few days ago Ben Shipley, a farmer of Whitehall township, this county, sent doctors until 8:30 o'clock, and then patriotism and tne statesmanship ot tiro Gunning; St.

Louis, King and Berily. consider the Sheridan bill, but Mr. Kil- drove away in company with Dr, ver Cleveland deserves such an endorse- Base hits Athletics 7, St. Louis 6. Er Green family, Frank, son of Hampton Green, and Lewis Moore, and D.

J. Jones, who led the attacking party. The feud began in January over a "bad fence," his little girl, eleven years old to a neigh O'Reilly. They went to the Pennsyl meut at the hands of the people as his gare persisted in his objection. rors Athletics 3, St.

Louis 5. seph E. Garneau last evening. As Mrs. boring farmer for milk.

The failure of re election would imply." Mr. Spinola, of New York, again vania railroad station and Dr. Pepper took the nine o'clock train for Philadel Garneau was entering the house she met the child to return alarmed the parents "Hut the event ot your unanimous and Sunday, February 13th, one of the At Baltimore. sought to bring the Sheridan bill before phia. It was impossible to obtain an in aud the investigation that followed nomination for the vice-presidency at St.

Jones family was shot by Dave Green. a stranger coming down the stairs from her room. The man drew a revolver and the house by asking consent to report it terview with him before his departure. Louis." Baltimore 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 02 Louisville ...04710200 14 leads to the conclusion that she was killed by a bear. The farmers in the Since then the two families and their several friends have been under arms but it is understood that he will not re "That event will not happen, for I told her if she made any outcry he would hack from the committee on military affairs.

It had been referred to that Batteries Baltimore, Burns and Ful- and several battles have occurred. have already told you that 1 am not a candidate for that or other official kill her. lie then walked coolly from the house and down the street Mrs. Garneau fainted and when she recovered she mer; Louisville, Hecker and Cook. Base hits Baltimore 7.

Louisville 19. neighborhood started out in large searching parties and have discovered unmistakable evidence of the presence of bears in the locality where the little one was committee after the preceeding failure. turn to this city for several days at least, and not then unless new and other dangerous symptoms are developed in the case. None of the other physicians would give any information about the The Crew Mutinied. Seattlb, W.

June 1. The crew of Errors Baltimore 3, Louisville 3. "But suppose you are nominated would found that $4,000 worth of diamonds had ast seen. 1 he fact that a number of Mr. Kilgore was induced to withdraw his objection, so far as to allow the report to be made, but Mr.

Oates, of Alabama, you decline the nomination?" been taken. At Cleveland. case this morning in addition to the "There would be no propriety In de the British ship Silverdale mutinied when two days out from Port Discovery. sheep were killed and a portion of the girl's clothing picked up, leaves little Cleveland 0 1000400 1-6 meagre statements contained in the bulletin. The alarming nature of this doubt that she was devoured.

Gull River on Fire. Minneapolis, June 1. The Journal Kansas City 2 0020108 8 Batteries Cleveland, Blakely and Zim- clining substantially anything before it is tendered, and I am not so presumptious as to decline in advance a nomination that will undoubtedly be tendered to another, for the convention will not lack for the best of material from which to select. I Brainerd, Minneapolis, special says: The bulletin is in striking contrast with the statement previously made at the door this morning. Up to the time of its issue all persons who made inquiries there be The Reformed Presbyterians.

Pittsbubg, June 1. -At the session of mer; Kansas City, fa*gon and Donahue. Base hits Cleveland 10, Kansas City 7. fire department went to Gull River at midnight last night, a five having broken She was lumber laden, for Melbourne, Australia. They anchored the vessel In a dangerous position, where she remained two days, but Wednesday got to into Ta-toosh, and the officers telegraphed for helps.

She has been towed into Port Angles. The cause of the mutiny has not been learned, but it is supposed to be ErrorB Cleveland 7, Kansas City S. tween Bix and eight o'clock were cheerfully informed by the attendants that the general had had a good night and is am a private in the ranks and the question of the vics-presidential nomination in no way affects me." Reformed Presbyterian synod of the United States a resolution was adopted deprecating the publication of Sunday newspapers, and instructing the Presby At Omaha, mucn DHtter mis morning. out at the Gull River Lumber yards. The lumber aggregating 14,000,000 feet was still burning this morning, and the large mills are in danger.

The sawdust on the streets is on fire, and the entire town is threatened. lhe last touches were put on the con Omaha 0 080200008 Kansas City 3 000010004 on account of a leaky vessel. Col. Kellogg leaving the house about vention hall this afternoon and its now ready. Batteries For Omaha, Levett and terians to prosecute by the proper discipline all members who advertise in the same.

The committee appointed at the seven o'clock to go to his own house, said the general seems to be better and brighter in every way. Wilson: for Kansas City. Conway and "1 think it will be the prettiest hall promptly renewed the objection. The republicans desiring to force the immediate consideration of the Sheridan bill resorted to dilatory tactics and finally the objectors gave way and the bill was taken up and passed. Mr.

Oates, of Alabama, went on record as opposing the bill. The legislative appropriation bill was then passed. The customs deficiency appropriation bill was passed, with senate amendments and few amendments added by the house committee. It now goes to the senate ones more. The house then went into committee of th whole on tht tariff bill.

Mr. Hoi man, of Indiana, spoke briefly in favoT of cheap lumber. Mr. McCormick, of Pennsylvania, Stricken With Paralysis. Milwaukee, June 1.

A special to the Gunson. that has ever held a convention," said last synod to secure legislation against uoi. sneridan came out of the house Sergeant-at-Arms Bright to-day. "It Sunday postal services, reported that Evening Wincomin, from Boloit, Committed Suicide, Kansas Citt, June Rhea Cham about eight o'clock, and throwing his Rail war Wreck. Dill was pending In con cress providing would have been better of course if we could have had the speakers stand in the about the neck of arm affectionate! i for the proper observance of the Sab berlain, an Inmate of a house of ill fame, Rock Rapids, Iowa, June 1.

A mixed says Dr. A. L. Chapin, the venerable ex-president of the Beloit college, and one of the best known educators in the coun t. middle of one side of the hall.

That bath lo the postotnes department. was found dead in bed to-day, having would have enabled everybody in the tram un th Burlington, Cedar Rsplds try was stricken with paralysis last even Mary, the general's eldest child, who was playing on the laws with her two little sisters at the time, took her down the street with him for short distance. As he passed the news to the paper men in waiting, he smiled, and told them that committed suicide by swallowing a large dose of morphine. A few weeks ago a hall to hear, and at present I fear that Northern road was derailed about four Hi going to be difflcuX The fact is that miles east of her) last evening by a Jostle Hayes Dead. Boisi Citt, Idaho, June ing ana now lies in critical condition.

His Daughter, Mrs. Porter, who has long whenever a good accoustic effect is se broken The conductor and three well known gambler of this city killed himself in the same manner on account Hayes, chief Justice of the supreme cured in a large hall it is a mere acci- passengers were badly bruised, and one dent." I will nrobablv die. The others on the of a quarrel with the girl, and the act been a missionary In China, is on her way home, but is delayed by the quarantine at San Francisco. court of this territory, died yesterday, aged forty-eight years. the general had had a comfortable night and looked very much improved this When one stands on the speaker's train received a severe shaking no.

was caused Dy brooding over his death..

McPherson Daily Freeman from McPherson, Kansas (2024)


How old is McPherson Kansas? ›

The City of McPherson (pronounced Mc-fur-son) was founded in 1872. Named after Union Civil War General James Birdseye McPherson, the progressive community developed quickly. The original town fathers had considerable vision and designated plots of ground to be used for churches, schools, streets and parks.

Who was McPherson, Kansas named after? ›

McPherson (pronounced Mc-fur-son) is a city located on the Santa Fe Trail in central Kansas. Named after Union Civil War General James Birdseye McPherson, the city of McPherson was founded in 1872 towards the end of the Trail's use.

What county is McPherson, KS in? ›

McPherson County, Kansas has 898.3 square miles of land area and is the 26th largest county in Kansas by total area.

What does the name McPherson mean? ›

McPherson is a Scottish surname. It is an Anglicised form of the Gaelic Mac a' Phearsain and Mac a Phearsoin, meaning "son of the parson".

Is McPherson KS a good place to live? ›

McPherson is a very family-friendly area. They have GREAT local businesses and a thriving small-town main street.

What tribe was Kansas named after? ›

KANSAS: Named for the Kansas or Kanza tribe of the Sioux family that lived along a river in the area and gave it the tribal name. The name translates as "south wind people," or "wind people." KENTUCKY: Origin and meaning controversial.

What is the population of McPherson Kansas in 2024? ›

McPherson has a 2024 population of 13,854. It is also the county seat of McPherson County. McPherson is currently declining at a rate of -0.37% annually and its population has decreased by -1.47% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 14,061 in 2020.

What division is McPherson Kansas? ›

McPherson competes in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Division II and Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference (KCAC).

What is McPherson KS known for? ›

McPherson is an ideal location for a one-day shopping trip, a weekend getaway or an extended stay. The town is also a popular destination for meetings and conventions. Top attractions include Maxwell Wildlife Refuge, McPherson Museum, McPherson Opera House, McPherson Mural Collection and historical trolley tours.

How many colleges are in McPherson Kansas? ›

There are at least 11 colleges serving the area, including 8 private colleges and universities, 0 public colleges and universities, and 2 community colleges offering 2-year degrees.

How do you abbreviate McPherson County KS? ›

County names and references
County NameCounty NumberAbbreviation
77 more rows

How old is McPherson Playhouse? ›

How old is the Kansas city Royals? ›

The Royals have won four American League (AL) pennants and two World Series championships (1985 and 2015). The Royals were founded in 1969 as an expansion franchise that was granted by Major League Baseball after the Kansas City Athletics moved to Oakland the previous year.

How old is Colby Kansas? ›

Colby, Kansas
Named forJ.R. Colby
• Total3.58 sq mi (9.27 km2)
22 more rows

How old is the band Kansas? ›

Kansas is an American rock band formed in Topeka, Kansas in 1973.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.