McPherson Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)

Greece and Turkey. the same price as kerosene and benylns A Now Irepartiire. I -There. I mused, instead of getting his feet in it, I pat my own foot in Cuficura! ITfweet revenge has soured. I had Our New Fall Stvlcs, I HOP BITTERS.

The European States will share the responsibility for the outbreak of hostilities between Greece and Turkey. The original mistake of making the Hellenic kingdom so small that, after fifty years of credittble progress, it is An advertising aent for one of the gn-at i ir-u i-oniliiiiftti'dis in Ilitroit for week paJt, ilotvn lon enouirli to a fevv The interview started as follows: I jiins ill von what wiM lie A tint lrii'K-) CONTAINS ll ls, III III Jl tNimtKE, I1ANIIEI.ION, A M' Tl! IVITFsT KIT KT I I tS OF ALL nl 11 EK 1I1 rEKii. THEY CUUB AH tNoftJrot trtetnmiv-h. lVwrts. TT.wVT, Liver, Kltlueysatid I rinaryoiyana, Ner- ilono mine enemy a service.

hy had I not let him snofe till we passed Ann Arbor? Discontentedly I dozed off again, but when I got off at the Central Depot in the damp, chilly morning, before the city was awake, I saw my gigantic neighbor step down from the next car. He had merely attempted to bluff me at Ann Arbor, and had nearly succeeded. I was happy aain. Thus are the truly good rewarded. Luke Sh'irj; in Detroit Free fre-ts.

'How many ilvunon weitr this summer, and PYEMIA Or which results in -Vhccsscsj, I'lccis, Sores Car-huiiclrs. IJo Is. ami Itcli-inr: Humors. CmitiI. Now in Stock, SUITS, ONS, barely self-supporting has never been I repaired The population of the Capital has increased from to 00, 000, the provincial towns and villages I have been partially restored, and the peasantry ranks among the most in-; dustrious and temperate agricultural i classes on the Continent.

This king-j dom only requires more revenue and more territory in order to fulfill its i mission. The Greeks might be already replanting the ancient olive groves hieepie-Tiifwaiio et4nxiaiiy i t'liiaie l-ouiplamtd SIOOO IN COLD. vm tvpnfd fof will nelp, ur lor anyTPMttr niinre vi uijun" I BOW. The winter of lssn-'Kl will go into as a much colder and harder one tlian either of the two before men-' The cold weather et in as early as cither of the others, but. be-forn" the snowfall, the ground, in places not protected by straw or stubble, was froen to the depth of live feet, and the earth i'i now a fr izen mass all over the Northwest to that depth.

After Ibis came the snowfall, which has kept up at intervals, ut'til it is now three feet six inches deep on a level. Ti cidd thus far this winter is more severe th in during the previous hard winters." The thermometrical records for )t2 so far we can get them, when compared with this winter, show this to be a good deal colder than that one. The snow jsnlso considerably deeper now than then. The same may be said of the winter of lHlH.4fi; the present one excels it in deeo snow and extreme cold. The snow is now piled in immense drifts, lew feet high in some places.

The rail- roads have been blockaded since Wednesday night. The streets are al-j most impassable. The city is obliged to keep a large force of men employed I cleaning out gutters and opening water-! ways to prevent an overllow when the thaw does come. Country roads are almost impassable, and it may be said that business has never, since the set A-HTTOtiT firUFptst fnf Tttlfrrfin1 trv tin in iM-tura oii slet'p. Take uo ih-r T.

r. nn tMerTrrt for Anecdotes of tlie Late Johns Hopkins. He left 3 moiety of which was divided between eighteen relatives, and the bulk retained for a university and several hospitals. The nephew who was often at variance with him received almost twice as much as his brothers who never contradicted him. Mr.

Hou- FEVER SOKE. What 1 Ml -ti 'tM mim, i- ut her ln hut 'ni-ril-tit th- 'I Krinori Mr. iin. i tit. town, has hffii ul.

li f- iifeu'i "uicnii tmf nl his it'1'1 a'l winter, he ct'uM tinr-Uy vv ilk 1 nn u'i-'t lum lo yimr -h. -i He I-ik-Tt timr iH-tlh i'up. -ir lifs.i!v rii, ti fi Uict'ti'i-cirH and ''in mim Mi-fit'ly. (I lV t'V 'lay. it ah ai'ii r- wait- .1 li r-ar-P.

It wa. a i-titi ti; 'n -i, i-wW-n v- ry 1 Win" CiMli't hi'', l' lu The wuuki ymi 11. IKll'P, Mirt-t, Mc. UrvH i' PVB ClKlTLAB. All kfViM mHWiH.iW, of Epirus and Thessaly if they had not followed the advice of the Cabinets.

If they had joined the cordon of alliances against the Turks in 177 they would have shared in the fruits of the ltussiaa victory. They put trust in European diplomatists and their own good fortune, and when the conditions of peace were ratified at Berlin they got nothing but a vague promise. Three years of diplomacy have left them precisely where they were when they made their kins never married. Tho daughters of 1 Epamiuouda-s were that hero's famous victories. The children of Johns llop-I kins ate the splendid institutions he has I left to learning, to mercy and to science.

SALT RHEUM. Will strwt. thi- cato, praiclnlty a 'Know a curr uf Suit KtKiim on luait ntek, latf, arm anl fr stVMitt'en liur aide lowaiK. fcept on hand ami tr ime vcnx; no! aMf to ht'lp lliriiptll i Mel ti U'irfls donor 'i''iitiiilicx-(i lu ptni. aiirDity tared b) Hit- 'uti- ina Uenit tii'ir vtthiey" "I shall not wear any.

lur show has made a new dejiarture in that ina'tef, and nobody rx-ept the netn in the ticket will lie allowed to wear diamonds. I am just iroin up to the olliee to send my seven pies four rinirs and s'eeve buttons home to my "How many cn-olidnte 1 shows do you adwrti-er" )nlv thirteen, hi we have exactly i n. We do not intend to do any tdowin tlii- siiiiiini'r, but will pra' tii-e the mode-tv dode. We have twelve clowns, but advertise only ten. We have ten elephants, lint advertise only eilif.

and so oh riedit throuifh." "Have nn the only man in the world wh i can turn a double somersault over sixteen horse', "No: there is aimther man who cm do it, and although he is in Stale Prison we didn't want to say we had the only one. Weshall practice nodeccption and cany no "Have you the only baby "Yes, sir, but we don't advertise it. We don't want to be mean towards ot her combinations. "Have you twice a.s much capital in-vesled as any other travelinj "Yes. sir, but we m't say so on the bills.

The public don't care about the but want to see the animals." "Will your street parade be a mile. lon-P" Two of them, sir, but we don't advertise that fact. We let people come and be agreeably surprised." Have ton wt an elephant that has killed seven Seven! Why he's laid out eight this very winter! I think the list fools up thiriy-two, but we don't advertise it. An elephant is an elephant, and what's the use of blowing about I light-hearted but belated advance to the Thessalian frontier. Their troops i have been kept under arms month after month, their financial burdens have become almost intolerable, and in the end they find that they cannot get hat has t.nan rtlrttrroil in llmm tinlucc Hfvht Dr.

U. A. GIBSON. VETEKLAKY SUliUEON and fTEAINEB. Pise-asps or Jlorsos and Cattle Caifl'iilly Trtviteil.

Tr'naini'Dt for l.miiciH'H.-i in Feci or ShoaMtra ud flections of '-v the Horse mads A siK-cialty. Klui; Bone, I'livin, Fistula anil coll-Kvil successfully trcaicii. ol refeience gives If desired. Proprietor of I'r. Wihson's well known and In endKss variety for Men, Youths, Boys ami Children.

At tlie SQUARE DEALING CLOTHING HOUSE. Thanking you for your liberal patronage at our old stand, we rcspcctf-illy solicit your trade in the future. Yours. Levi Rothschild. IN HEGGELUND'S NEW BUILDING.

GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. Ttit-hall lia. Imtii a- tin at curative I'uwtTr. ill ttu: t'tiiKiiru Hfiiit'n urt. 1 have paid li'indrt'hi ol doliai for nu tin im to curr tfit-edbcs ol luc blood and atul vtr found aiiy iniliir yet to rtjtial ht Cut limeillrt.

CllAi. A. WILLIAMS, l'nmd-ticc, K. 1. tlement of Northern Illinois, been at such a stand-still us now.

The winter of Ixxo-'Hl maybe fairly set down as the hardest one since the settlement of the country, both in the severity of the cold and depth of the snvw.Rodctord (VI Journal. 1 here never was a stronger man. He started life with $400. and built upby his own exertions, a colossal fortune. From the beginning, he declared that he had a mission from God to increase his store, and that the golden Hood that poured into his coffers did not belong to him or to the hundreds who sought to borrow or beg it from him.

He declared that a supernatural power prevented him from taking money from his pocket to bestow foolish alms, and that some day the world would know that he was not the grasping, avaricious and narrow-minded man he was accounted. He nevertheless helped secretly many worthy persons, and, after his death, it was discovered a few merchants had been saved by him from financial embarrassment and sorrow. But in the common acceptation of the term he was not liberal. His mission" prevented that. Toward the closo of a very long life he became stingy and suspicious, but the end ho had proposed never suffered change, and that was the mistress of his soul to powders fur tho Trias itch or Manjro also the celebrated tpauish oiutuient Ofiice, He Kuril i l.raiss' l.lvrrj Stalls Wick'e ami His Wife.

TREATMENT. THK CUTICTKA IrcaHnmt tK- run of iciili and JIIihm! li-rass, roii'icw iu the internal ot' 1 "iiticuia iv olvent, the ne lilood Flintier, and tin iim: of t'uticura and OulH-ura So, tht (inat skin i un Price of Cut urn, hiiiuU lattre bosct $1. i'nticura Kepolvioit, $1 pvr hott'e. Outicua suivmg l.c Sold by ad drtiEKtst. Dfpot.

WLHiiS II PUTTER, Huston, MaFP. CATARKH! CITY MEAT MARKET ward whom he maintained an inflexible Sanford's lJatlit'd Cure, Complete Treatment For I C. II. Morrison, JEWELRY AND MUSIC STORE, LARGEST AND BEST STOCK. TAYLOK ELLSWORTH Would reepecttuljj Inform the pabM i hat they wLH always keep oa band, a full supply of FRESH, SALTED, AND SMOKED MEATS.

We will pay tho hifiheet market price for Fat Htock, Hlile, Tallow and Poultry. tfTWKBT Sidb Main "Tan M'PHKSON ICAlKT. had ud vote1. eay hroarhmc. "we-jt hreutti, imi-H, tarttr and hcamsr, no O'ltrh, no cltokin, uo dnH -'H-, Tttr happy are brum; tit ah tit in the e.asv'B ot Catarrh, hy the m-wl nre'able, economical, ppet'ly, nafet and never la luii Saiifurd'H Kdical Joinplfte anil lnfatlitde tieslmcit, roinHiioi? uf one Motile ol tn Radical ure, un the c.a-t irihal Solvi'Dt, and one Iiiiihovl-I Inh tl-T, ill wrapetl tn on- packa', witn iretite and liiectioos, aud tM'd hy all lrui-(d lor $1 sk for lord 8 Kad-cii Dure General Agenta, WEKK3 it POTTKK, hoc ton, Mads.

for it. hey must either tight or disarm, and for dynastic reasons neither the King nor his Ministers ventures to suggest the latter course. The Sultan, on the other hand, is making preparations for war as actively as a bankrupt treasury and National impoverishment will permit. The central idea of his state policy has been to avoid making concessions to any Power, great or small, until he is absolutely compelled to do so; and a campaign, in which he can put in the" field as many troops as the enemy and ravage a defenseless coast at his own pleasure, has few terrors for him. He is harassed, moreover, by the conviction that the last concession made to Europe was unnecessary.

With all the arts" of which crafty Eastern despot is master prevarication, delay, dissimulation, false promises and menace he bad deferred ceding to Montenegro the territory which her valor had won and a European Congress had awarded to her. Finally be openly defied the Powers, and an international fleet anchored off Dulcigno. Even then he waited for weeks in the hope that something might occur to brealt up -the European concert, and only surrendered when he received tidings that a portion of the fleet was to sail for Smyrna and cut off a large part of his revenues. When it was too late to draw back he learned that the proposal with respect to Smyrna had only received the assent of three Powers, that the other three were opposed to coercion, and that the naval demonstration would have been as harmless and meaningless as a naval reyiew If he had not given way to momentary alarm and cedod Dulcigno. much to the astonishment and relief of the Cabinets.

He knows that the coalition, which might have gone to pieces of Itself if he had cheated the Powers with a few more promises or worn out their patience by hesitation and dalay, cannot be formed again. A European Congress has advised territorial cessions to the Greeks; a supplementary conference has marked out a frontier and invited the Cabinets at Constantinople and Athens to accept it; but an international fleet will not be dispatched to the Egean tn enforce the wishes of the Cabinets. Europe sympathizes with the (ireeks, and tells the Sultan he would better give up Janina, Larispa and Metzovo. The Sultan knows the difference between would better" and "must." N. Y.

Tribune. The other night old man Winkle and his wife, while walking along the street, going home from a mite society, engaged in a iuai rel. I'm not going out with you any more, Samuel, said Mrs. Wickle. "You are too old a man to cittup the way you did to-night.

The idea of an old man who has the rheumatism so bad that he can't put his socks on mornings, going to a mite meeting and cavorting and romping as you have done to-night. I say that it is a shame." I may have rheumatism," replied the old man, "but I haven't got dyspepsia. I don't growl and snap at everybody. You have been growing worse for the last ten years. If you didn't have me to pick at, I believ" you'd die." "I won't walk with a man that acts like a rhinoceros." "How does the rhinoceros act?" naked the old man, thinking that he would cati her on natural history.

Acts like a fool, that's how he acts," and Mrs. Wickle walked rapidly away, leaving the old man several paces behind. He finally caught up, just as a youu? man came walking along. l'oci wg warking pretty fast," said the old gentlenian. His wife di'lntsay anything.

'It's clouding up," he remarked; "must bii going to rain." The old lady' made no rpl''y, but the young man took iu the situation. Yoq old villain!" he exclaimed, addressing Mr. Wickle. what dn you mean by attempting to thrust your company on a lady who does not want you! lt'e be-comin'-r too freipient in Cleveland for ladies to be insulted on the streets by loafers. Get back!" The young man struck at Wickle.

Mrs. Wickle clubbed her umbrella, and, exclaiming, "That's my husband," struck the young man an undignified blow. The old man. encouraged b.y li wife'3 strike for the union, jumped on the young man and held him while the rattling ribs of the PIONEER HARNESS SHOP. "You have two or three man-eating timers, of course?" Of course seven or eight of them, imil we.

also have a list of the names of people who have been eaten by them, but we make no blow about it." "Have you a boa-constrictor forty-eight feet long?" We have one sixty-two feet long. He's the longest anil largest snake ever imported, but we give hnn only one line on the bills." Have you the sacred cow of sir, and the sacred ox of Japan, and a sacred calf and a sacred pig, but we don't blow over 'em. We let the public eorue in and separate the sacred from the tinkered themselves." Will you have two cimis'rings?" We shall have four, but we don't put it on the bills. As I told you at the start we are making a new departure. We shall not exaggerate.

We shall not even tell the plaiu truth. No diamonds no trumpets uo snide challenges no humbug offers no field of the cloth of gold- We are going to sail along in a gentie, modest way anil give the pi o-de live times the worth of their money. That's all children half-price and no lemonade sold in the tent." Detroit Frte Press. AT, M10 RoiielitB, Wilier Bn ami nt ltla eat raveniirly Watchmaking Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction GOOD TERMS ON MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. OPERA 11LOCK, MCPHERSON, KANSAS.

M1NATOII ami Uie. No tear oi had barn 4, ran erica and a BE YOU JOINi WKST. hou-ehoMi often cleared in a stude niftlit. Ileal and ch cape-it vermin killer untie world. No failure in J'tjiaib livery box warranted.

Sold hy alt gnt. era and Auk lr I 'arson. MaiKil loi 25. by WKfcHs A I'Ull EK, lioHtun, Mast. New Advertisem*nts.

All persons con tempi at ing removal to Colorado, Wyoming, the Black Hills, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington or California, should cor-reepond with 3. W. Morse, General Phh-sengcr Agent Union Pacific Kail way OUi.AaVS 17 Stuaja 5 bet BEATTY 'voldcu p-edo only $6b Addrcfe UHiiiel t. lieatty, i'i. J.

The Winter or IHSU-Kl Compared with Former Winters. Omaha, Nebraska, before purchasing; tickets via any other line. Information fidelitv. "Clifton" was his pride, and npon ft he spared no expense. Here the great university wits to be founded; but in this his design will be baffled.

The city authorities have taken some seventy acres Just front of the imperial mansion, and the noble chestnut grove he had nurtured, not one tree if whioh would he cut down even when withered, has fallen before the remorseless ax of progress. The fotindationslof a vast lake for the water supply of Baltimore are already in course of excavation, arid the engineers and their rude implements occupy several of the beautiful chambers of "Clifton." An uncanny old tramp used to station himself under a giant onk that stood sentry by the lodge of "Clifton." This made Mr. Hopkins nervous and became a mortal offense. He told one of his nephews of it and said he did nt know how to abate the nuisHiiee. "Why not pay him, uncle, and send him awav?" queried the young man.

"Pay him money!" Mr. Hopkins shrieked, while his long arms flew about like windmills. "Pay him monoy! (rod forbid! When I do that there will be a hundred vagabonds here instead of one!" "Well, then," adced the nephew, "if-I were you. Uncle Johns, I would kick him out." "I cannot do that," the old man pleaded, I am afraid!" "What!" the nephew retorted, are you afraid of such a cur as that?" "No, Mr. Hopkins whispered hoarsely, "I am not afraid of him, but afraid of God.

Did you never read in tlie Bible how Dives treated Lazarus? Would you have me repeat that story and burn in bell forever?" That ended it. On one of the last days of his earthly existence Mr, Hopkins called his devoted gardener to him and aaid: I am beginning to hate this place because it does not bring In money. I hate everything that does not in money. Did you ever feed hogs? Have you not observed that the strong animals bear away the ears of corn and that tlie weaker ones pursue them squealingly, in hopes that all or some of the treasure will bo lost or dropped?" The gardener reolled that tho sketch wns a true one. "Well, then," said Mr.

Hopkin "I am that strong hog. I have "that big ear of corn, and every piggish rascal in Baltimore is intent upon stealing it or wresting it from me!" "Sir!" lie said, turning brusquely to tlie gardener, "do you think a very rich man is happy?" The gardener answered: "The extreme of poverty is a sad thing. The extreme of wealth, no doubt, bears with it many tribulations." Mr. Hopkins rejoined: "You are right, my friend; next to the hell of being utterly bereft of money is tho purgatory of possessing a vat amount, of it. I have a mission, and under its shadow I have accumulated wealth but not hppias." Augusta (da.) Chronicle.

of value, relative to routes, rates, induce KKVI.lfciD ISKW TKSTAMKMS 1 lliiht rat l. Cheapest cllu uoNtrT PICTORIAL. BIBLES! Agent, allied A.J. ifc wo. "mla The winter of has passed into the records of Northern Illinois "the hard winter." The early settlers of the northern part of the State remember its THK C1TV CANTON.

IlIUECTUBY. L.Drake. Prel'lent "I Win. H. George.

ConDcilrnen tv. B. Kile, Win. O'Connor, V. J.

Israel, f. -l Jtelermernorn Police Araot Ol-tOcM- Marshal kuJ Street Cuiiira'r Wm. A. King. Treasurer Bundy.

City Clerk, Frederick Salter. Standing iJomiuiltees nlmaiui Kile. George. Finance; Urorfe, hcrmerhorn. Kile.

SlreelHaud sidewalks; Kile, leraei, O'Connor. Fire rroli.otiuii auti Nuiuauce; Jerae, George, Schermerhoin. Ways and Kile. Justice ol the t'-jiice Fre.lericn Salter. Poet-master, Edward Fairhurst.

SOCIETIES. I. O. Canton Lodge No. 158, meets every Saturday evenins at o'clock.

A. F. A. M. Canton Lodge V.

meet on Tuesday ou and ailer Uie lull moon ol each Farmer's Alliance No. 159 Headquarters at the office or Frederick baiter, Jus tiee of the Peace. il. B- Church services every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at their house of worship. Union balihalii School ineeut every Sunday morning at o'clock ai M.

K. house or worship. Koiuan Oilhollc service on Monday alier the first Bunilay in each mouth, at o'clock a. m. Canton Lodge Jio.

li7. A. F. J. A.

M. meets very Tuesday on or oaiore lull moon. ment to settlers, together with carefully prinared and reliable publications an i I Maker, i8U f*ckSuiiiSl GOODS A .1. New wiiik West Mdo ol Street. JI ST liM'KIYKJ), i umbrella fell on the youth head with descriptive of the states and territories early snow-fall, commencing November i named, will be mailedj free upon appli.

I nml continuing ou the lutli; tlie piin-hing cold of the long winter, the scarcity of food for stock, and the loss cation. fir a noise like the falling of hail stones. Samuel, nobody can break up oui domestic felicity," said the wife, after the battle. "No, sir," answered Samuel. "When a man tries to destroy the domestic happiness of my household, he catches my consolidated power of wrath." CUvzland Leader.

Retribution Tiie Story of a Dark and Terrible Kerenge. of many cattle from hunger and cold, owing to that scarcity and the lack of (. W'te and Steady HOT ICE FOli PUBLICATION. No. 1852 Laud Office at Salina, Kansas, 8.

1881. Notice is herebr tiven that the following flew Stoit of Wall ranur, WmtiavY Shales We have the larfn et ami most eler-ant stock of wall paper over to Mc fhersou oumy. You should call and see the new eiylen of paper. We also have ou h'iij'l some very fine window shades, ISAAC CREEK. barns and sheds tor a protection.

At that time tho country was new, the settlements were sparse, and it was often miles across the dreary stretch of snowy nrairies between settlements. rlit; ijiiire- i id lats 'or month Sauip.e wi tv 1 w.t: v3 2" et-. I i 76 Ctu. paid, ihvu a Baud U. Atftjnlf wanted, A'i'huob Hot Ti i J.aiiip i St VY named sclller has tiled noticu that he will ap-I ear with his witnesses to uuikc fimil proof in support of bis claim, belore the Clerk of the t'istrict Cour of Mefhersou County Kansas, at the County beat on Wednesday, October IS), 181.

The houses of the settlers were many GOLD MTDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. Lewis C. VanMeter. 1). S.No.

19,021, for the wrrnt' iwl. inihjt.u if" lo t-v-ery M'l K. IN ASSIGNEE NOTICE. Notice iv hereby given, that Harbor, assignee for the bcnehl ot the creditors of Moody I'rothei will mtke application to 1 lie District Court, ol McPncrson county, Kansas, October 17. 1SS1 tor his hnal discharge lrom the southeast quarter of northwest quarter, and west hall of northwest quarter, ol 8eolion21, Township 17 south, of Kaugc2 west.

And names the following a his witnesses to l.i'e," bound ni fim-Hi Ktvnh fn.TrnvrniTK- prprnpttnn pnrponly -t rirnl t.yntiu!-illnf-trsf. Rf nitp. ti fyti(i now, A'titnw -ntvw rial Inotilnlan. 1 1 II duties ol tiu oilice as aesiKuee, prove continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, vi' V. E' Bakbeu 21 William Cummiug, Jacob R.

Vatic il, James Kiow THYSELF. vi fnra Kraer and w. w. Baker, all of Lindsbuig Mctherson county, Kansas. All Kinds (il'Krctmil limul Ooods, AHCliOii Cliiiiliiiaoil Mcrcimt, Biivan.i sells makes prorupt returnt Keeps a full stock of ytieen.swnre.

(tlanaa ware, Xoiiotie, 'ash or trails for Kr'h, Imn, Oipper. ilraH. all nnd boy Y'lurudl rich, and rln you furgetit. Noktit Main Stki-kt, Mol'IIKIisjoJS, JiVlVBAS. 2(i J.

M. HofXJK. Kecister. in'ritrnr'n IV tl iitin.i i riiKirii iiii i ii res Humors cj tlie Sculp Skin. Cnticnra rewiii'Siirc for liy ml druxKisii, Notice for Publication.

No. 1S5V. lnd (Mice at sulina, Kansas, September 11, 1881 Notice is hereby Riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make rJnai in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the District Court of McPnereou County, at Mcpherson Kansas at the county seat ou Monday, 17, 1881. jnhn Homestead Application, No. Price ol t-'ulieura, a 3Ar(wciul -leily, small ooze- ul cei i-.

lurce io.fc.s fl (Julleura Kesolvviil, meni-w Ur.oi ParilKr. $1 per Ixn tie. CuUrur Metlii-luul 'Jollet soup, 2-V Cuticura iVleiJlcmjj Sorp. 15c: in bars for tiarije it ai iniKe votirimnrs, jfic. fni.ciii, Detiot.

it POTT Kit, iw Mass vTAU ni 'I lire wvii'i "I i i't C. E. GRANT, Ciirpciitcr aud ilitilder. All Worh Waurantip. 20 271, lor Uie northeast Quarter, Bee turn, 26, Township 18 south, of Manse 5 west 6ih Principal M.eri!ian.

And names the following as his witnesses to Notice For i'ublication. No. 1853. Land Office at salina, Kansas September 8, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Bled notice that he will appear with his witnesses to make final proof in support ol his claim, betore the Clerk ol the District court ot McPberson county, Kansas, at the County seat on Wednesday, October 19, 1881.

Josiah Tipton, Homestead Application, No. 18, 319, for the southeast quarter of section 27, Township 18 south, ol Hauge 4 west- And names the following as his witnesses to prove his eontiuuoas residence upon and cul U-vatlon ol said tract, via: H. Davcrty, D. H. Hoey, Joseph P.

McClain, and Samuel Baton, all ot McPhcrsoa, McPnerson county, Kansas. So 1. M. HODGB, Register. Out-door Air anil Exercise.

prove his contiuuous residence upon aim cuiu- w.tinn nl Mill IrKT.I VilLl HAVE YOU O. N. Mitas, Maruueite, Stephen Gilpin and Ever Known Bavid Mock, Men Prairie, and Iteojaunn uur land, Maniue its, all ot McPberson Ovunty Kan- 26 J. M. HOLIQS, Baglster.

A Story of Three 1'rinters, A Washington correspondent of the New York vini ng I'mt writes: A great many ago, before the present Government I'l inting Oilice was established, there were three printers engaged upon Government work who were fast friends and constant associates. They neither had nor cared to have other acquaintances. One day one of the three fell sick and died. Then the (juestioti whs who would perform the usual rites of friendship for the tlead. Nobody outside took auy interest in the matter, so that the, two friends were obliged to care for the body themselves.

Now, all those printers were very fond of liquor, and though they never were to be seen ill bar-rooms, bad many a bout by themselves in a quiet nook. The two remaining friends then sat up with the corpse, and to while away the time brought their pack of cards and bottle for company. Eucher was the game, and they played for a stake, the winner to drink on scoring: the game and the loser to stay dry. The luck ran one-sided. Seated on either side of the corpse, with the coffin between them as a table, the players played and recounted the virtues of their dead friend.

But the one who never won was getting more and more thirsty. The cards had ruu steadily against him and not a drop of liquor had passed his lips. Finally the luck changed, and slapping down the right bower on the coffin, he exclaimed: "There! now it's my turn." With a hasty motion he reached for the bottle, but at that instant consternation filled the breasts of both friends as the supposed corpse rose np and said, Not a drop till I've had mine." With a scream of horror the two friends jumped up and rushed, one to the door and the other to the window. The latter leaped to the ground in his terror and broke a leg, the other gained the street without misadventure and disappeared. Years have elapsed.

Both the watchers have died, but the friend who was supposed to be dead still lives, an eccentric, aged man, who is now a compositor in the Government Ani; to -cri'iiily iM wifhoiit a loiiia'h or iua-' i ye ver or kuliicy.r AliI when K0T1C-E FOR PUBLICATION 19120 a.e lu goo'l roii'lolon .1., oii not tlnltbeir h. xir cniovn Iiellu. Talker's Oiuuer 'l'ouie alwavH tlics nn Land Office at Salina, Kansas, Oct. 4, 1851. The surest of all natural is active exercise ia the open uir.

Air is a part of our daily food and by tur the most important part. A man can live on seven meals a week, and survive the warmest nnimer day with seven draughts of fresh water," but his supply of gaseous nourishtnent has to be renewed at least fourteen thousand times in the twenty-four hours. Every breath we draw is a draught of freh oxygen, every emission of breath is anevacuation of gaseous recrements. The purity of our blood depends chiefly on the purity of the air we breathe, for in the laboratory of the lungs the atmospheric air is brought into contact portant organs and never fails lo mke tbe biod rich and uure. and to every nart ol the nyot -in.

Jt lias cured hundreds ol despairiSK of them poor and open, without a bush, tree, or 6hrub to protect them from the driving winds penetrating snows. Hence that winter has passed into history, and is now always referred to as "the hard winter." During that winter the snow averaged thirty inches deep. It fell before the ground froze up, and lay in such a body that the ground did not freeze at all except occasional places. Puring tho snowfall it piled into great drifts so that it was even with the tops of the rail fences. It then soon froze so hard that it bore cattle.

and men on its sunnce. During that winter great slaughter was made among the deer; men hunted them with dogs, and the snow being so hard that it bore these up, while the deer would break through in trying to run, they fell an easy prey and were slaughtered without sense or mercy. In fact, the forests were cleared of thorn. The next severe winter was that of 1848- 49. The first suowfall for that winter was.

we believe, November 9. It fell before the ground froze up, and lay in such a heavy coat that, like 14-'43, the ground froze only in spots. The snow fall that winter averaged two feet, and furnished most excellent sleighing. At that time there were no railroad connections with Chicago, and the entire grain crop of the Northwest (which was then principally wheat) had to be taken to the lake by teams. That wintor was a peculiarly favorable one for the farmers.

The roads were constantly lined with teams and sleighs loaded with grain for Chicago or lumber for the interior. It was no unusual sight to see 100 to 150 of these loaded teams in one line. During that winter the writer of this article made eight trips to Chicago, one to Milwaukee, and one to Littlefort (now Waukegan), ten in all, each trip being made with a sleigh. And it may be of interest to state right here that during that winter the hotel fare along the road for supper, breakfast and lodging, and for the team in the barn and hay (the teamstes furnishing his own oats or corn), war fifty ceijt. In Chicago, at "uppyty taverns" like the Tremont and Sherman, for the same fare and services it was seventy-five cents, and at others, like the Sanganash, Illinois House, Chicago Temperance Hotel, and Peck's West Side Hotel, it was five shillings." or sixty-two and a half cents." Many teamsters of those days will remember the effort of these Notice is hereby Riven that the following earned settler has Hied notice that he will appear with bis witnesses to make ttnal proof in support ot his claim, before uie clerk ol the District emirt of McFhersun county.

Kansas, at the nvauis. api vuur neinoor auuut u. One night I left Chicago for Detroit on the Michigan Central Railroad. I neglected to secure a berth iu the sleeper, and when 1 endeavored to get one ou the train I found them all taken. However, tha ordinary coaches were rather empty and I speedily turned the back of one seat so that it wuuld face the next to it and tried to go to sleep as we rattled along through Michigan.

If there is anything in thu world more delusive than a railroad seat I have never found it out. At first you thiuk it will be real comfortable: by and by you shift a little, then tako another position, and so on till you have exhausted every possible posture, when in despair you sit straight again and assume that look of resigned despair that adorns the faces of all travelers. Hut trying to sit comfortably is pure luxury compared with trying to sleep in a car seat. The wind gives yon a cold if your head is by the window and tho passerby Dearly takes the head off you if you lean it on the arm of the seat. But by facing two oeats and occupying them in the form of the letter with feet on one seat, body on the other and knees in the form of a suspension bridge, you may worry through a night on worse dreams than ever haunted the brain of Richard IU.

Blessed is tho man whom slumber overtakes in this constrained position. After wrestling with sleep for one hundred miles I at length dozed off. Just as I got settled to an animated mince-pie dr.eatn, I imagined the City Hall tower fell on my feet. Of course I knew that the feet could not be injured, but as a Detroit taxpayer I felt anxious about the fate of the tower. On awaking I found that a great burly fellow had turned the seat over on my legs and was comfortably seated beside my pinioned feet.

Of course I had no right to more than one seat (57 Michigan, 249), stUl thers were plenty of other seats in the car, and I was in a sleep I would not have taken five dollars for, so I rather resented the action. I would like to get my feet if you have no further use for them over there." "Oh, certainly," said the man, as he eased up the back of the seat and I drew my paralyzed limbs toward me. A person hesitates to impress a person's opinions on a man much bigger than a person's self, so I got up ana left the car with dignity and silence, in an almost crippled condition. 1 tried to eleep in different parts of the train, but, alas! the sweet links of slumber were broken for the night. An hour or so after my rude awakening I walked through the train and there was the big fellow who turned the sat on me in exactly the same position as I bad been, occupying the two seats and snoring lustily.

Revenge is sweet. 1 at once turned the back of the seat over on his stalwart legs and sat down, leaning emphatically back with a feeling of sweet contentment. How delishtful County seal on Monday, November 14 1881. jnM-nli n. Wilson, liuinuetead Application No.

S5.00 WASHING MACHINES, Warranunl lur ono year. Call and soo boforo buying and nave NEVENHUYSEN BROS- Mariujartiii-trre of WAGONS, BUGGIES. Etc. BLACKSMITHmO Do In tin btst stjlo. Plows repair 44 barpeaeil.

AU kinds ol Jobbing a syecialty ORDERS SOLICITED. -ktip on hit 1 Avenut. wt Main Btr4t V'1'herion RatiMiM. 1 .91. lor west nail north east quarter, and norm hill south-east quarter, ot geoiion if Twn sin i) I'J souin.

Kauge5 west. TIMBER CULTURE NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION. No. 1856. Laud Oliioe at salina, Kansas, September HI.

1881 NotKe Is hereby given that Use following named settler has filled notioe that he will appear with his witnesses to make hnal proof in support, ot his claim belore toe Clerk of the liistrict Court of McPberson county, Kansas, at the county seat on Saturday, October 15, 1881 S.N. McCJlaue, limber Culture Entry, No. 118, lor the southeast quarter. Section 18, Iownship 19 south of Kange 5 west. And names the loliowing as his Witnesses to prove his continuous residence npou and culti-vatlod olsaid tract, vu: J.

U. Wiihott, A. J. Kimball, and Chan Aid-rich ol Laura, and P. Simpson ol Mcfusrson all of Mcfhersun county, Kansas.

2b J. M. Hodge, Keistor, And names the loiluwiug as his witnesses to prove Mi continuous residence noon ana cultivation hi tract, viz: James Baton, fcamuel Eaton, H. B. 2ew, A.

SOME GUNS. Waugti. all of McPhereun Kansas. 29 J. At.

UOUSK, Register. Shot guns, ittle iatis, pmooih-bore cuds atnle rtinn, aouDie Kan. Runs, male-loadinir sune, brevcb ladinir uon, lontr cqqb. short Buns, ueav noa, lirve bore pnni, euiall KOTICE FOR rUBLICATIO-N. 1921 llffice at salina.

OoU I. wore guos, bird guns, ftuuirrei kudu, ancx guns, xoom: ton, turkey earn), f*ck cumh, deer gauu Wearfcuut, for aoy kind of iuw, puns from 4 tKjUDd to Jf) pound weibt, guoa lrom 2'J Notice is hereby given that the following nunt settler has nled notice luat he will ap-wiih his witnesses make final proof in claim. belore the Clerk of the inch to 44 mcb barrel, ahnt Kuan liom No. 6 to Nof bore HiUch from I'alls to lTj) balte to tbe pound, breech loading nth Iroio 21 to 50 calibre.

gaud, feoiib guae, (irnin gaM, atr guua, dan itttuB, tiiu trutiB, tap goni, Will 'uo, 'sicj( ihuq, lauaiai, ina I 'JVJI miBt guns, mutch guuet ch-p un, de-r Bans, iii.irict Court ol McPneraou county, Kansas, at tte county on Tuesday, November 15, 1881. Johanna 11. A. No. lore.

a a Section 21, and s. w- n. w. a. and n.

i s. section il, Township lg south, names 1 tlie following as his witnesses to prove his continuous tesideiicu upon and cultivation of said tract, vu: Andrew Bergsren. John OsUand. Otto Johnson of Mew Goitland. and Peter Holm, of Llndtbuig.

alUol nNf-29 J. HoiGfc, Register. ISOTll'E FOR PUBLICATION. 1909 land C'ffice at Salina, Kan, sept. 27, 1881.

Notice la hereby given that the following named settler tin nled notice ol his intention to make final prool in support of his claim, and that said prool will be made betore the United Slates Laud Oilice at Salina, Kandaas, on Tuesday, November 8, 1881, via: Nelson Chalice, il. A. No. 18.889, for the north west quarter ol section 23, Township 18. Kange 1 nei.

Me names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upjii and cultivation ot said land, via: Israel Coi-lui, fvaac Oakes, H. Wright of Canton, and William Bcnnell, of Roxburji ot Roibury, iicPnerson Oiuuty, Kansas. 2 J. At. UUUUK, Brglster.

new Rune, buc-rioi gnne, ciowe inrowinjj gans forczUaloi-K rftnee. Fancy gnu, puin gar, cartel euaa, imruierrf tcana, iuccn(uiir' riu. ladiea' gunf boy a' KUna. ouiw lor eveJ-yboflj. (inns at ail pncee, jroro tjij lo Wt.

Huvol- J. E. FEESER, Tho best Carriage. House Sign PAUVTEB, IN THE COUNTY- Shop back uf riukott Keva The Way of the Road. veta from II.W to ttZM Oooi kud wre The Scientific Farmer says one of thu anomalies in American customs is that of the driver of a w.agon sitting on the right hand side, whim he always turns out to the right when passing "another team.

It matters not whether he be at respiration with the fluids of the venous and arterial system, which absorb it and circulate it through the whole body; in other words, if a man breathes the vitiated atmosphere of a factory all day and of a olose bedroom all night, his life-blood is tainted fourteen thousand times in the course of the twenty -four hours with foul vapors, dust and noxions exhalations. We need not wonder, then, that, ill-ventilated dwellings aggravate the evils of so many diseases, nor that pure air should b6 almost a panacea. Out-door life is both a remedy and a preventive of all known disorders of respiratory organs; consumption, in all but the last stage of the deliq'tium, can be conquered by transferring bat-tle-CTOund from the sick-room to the wilderness of the next mountain-range. Asthma, catarrh and tubercular phthisis are unknown among the nomads of the intertropical deserts, as well as among the homeless hunters of our Northwestern Territories. Hunters and herders, who breathe the pure air of the South American pampas, subsist for vears on a diet that would endanger the life of a city dweller in a single month.

It has been repeatedly observed that individuals who attained to an extreme old age were generally poor peasants whose avocations required daily labor in the open air, though their habits differed in almost every other resneot; also, that the average duration of life in various countries of the Old World depends not so much on climatio peculiarities or their respective degree of culture as on the chief occupation of the inhabitants: starved Hindoo outlives the well-fc Parsee Merchant, the unkempt Bu irian eu'o)3 an average longevity forty-two years to the west Austrian -izea's thirty-five. Dr. Fi'ix L. in Popular ruutetl iriinei, KiiitDK (una, tthin? gaua, crtridi, guns, cadet Uiid, powdt guns, pocket guM-boatguii. puut guua, rt na cat runs, cna guiiB, choke -borc4 guus, cylinder-tjri gnna.

ttuns that will not ecattcr Uum tnit will not kick. Otina that will uM b'Tet Ouu Wmdd, powder. stHt, cape, ieud, crtrid'jfl, BheHs, belLd. bagb, covers, tituLe, poucne, tun ba'8. CJC4DIU? rod, loaders, cruuperr.

cipprs, ex-tractor gun oil, g-an barruls, gun locus, uigser ihouuuuku, and ail kimta of gua maWriiiU iu tne uuflniMtied or Uuiahwi lata For dsu. HE VOL VERS, PISTOLS. bayien'g blaukaroith shop. Bids made un work. Satisfaction guaranteed- KOTICE FOR riliLICATIOX.

1918 Land Office at dalina, October 4, 1SS1. Notice is hereby given that the following MinWTwttler has mod nouce that he will appear withis witnesses to make Hnal proof in support of his claim, belore the Clerk of the District Court of atcPhetson county, Kansas, at the county seat, on Monday, November U. i Ml Wm HaUings, H. A. No.

lor north west quarter, section 28, Township 18 of Eaiie5west. He names the following as his witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, vu: Baker, B. P. Baker, Daniel Gibson, ol Marquette, and H. I.

Pyle. ot McPherson, all of McPberson count. Kansas. J. m.

HOOG, Register. Cattle Kanch. Section 14, Township 19, Range 1 West, Me Fbereon County Kansas. All persons havuig cattle to sell or trade, or wishing to buy wouid do well to give us a call as we are doing a general butuieee in that hue. also dealing in short Horn Cattle and Poland China Hogs.

Give us a call as above or address I B. F. DuL. Timber t'ulture Notice for Fublicalion No. 1858.

Land Office at sallos, Kansas, September 13, 1881. Notice ie hereby given that tne following named settler has filed notice of hia intention to make final prooi in support of hia claim, and that said prool will be made belore the Cieik of the District Court ol McPhenon County. Kansas at the county seat on Monday Oc.oo- 17, 1881. James M. Wilholt, limber culture.

No. 4, for the southeast quarter, section 20, Towuship 19 south of Bange west. tie names following witnesses to prove his continuous reeideaoe upon and cultivation of said land, via: Stephen Gilpin. Eden Prairie, J. A.

McClane, J. F. Porter, and John H. Mills, of Laura, ail of MrPherson county Kansas. 26 J.

AI. UODGI. Register I iiootTJi tr f.f.rjft, 7 Kh'dr S2.0II, I2.5U, i $4 IJU, -Hi, acre, iS callDr at i.7. ii. $5 Jjj.UU.

Bii-oferB, 3 and 44 cfiure, lrom 1 to Army aim Ni K'votvera, lrom 4 Vi to iS.u a.d ftut bj uuii, poet-paid Anjuxihg. fcverrtu.cs- L-t as know what yoa W4BL, nd ii we doa hove it, we will irjo aud gei it tor jou. is the feelimr of those who do a meritorious action. brj CO My voluminous friend swore softly to himself as he slowly straightened up into a sitting attitude, with his feet still in the stocks. As he rubbed his eyes the situation seemed gradually to dawn on him.

Fishiim ishimr latter hotel men, at one time, to raise on a broad. Bate thoroughfare or ou a the price of supper, breakfast, lodging, narrow lane or crowded city street, his and "bosses to hay" to "five and six- seat is the same. Thus situated, it is pence," or sixty-nine cents, they ia- very difficult to see the exposed wheels sisting that their accommodations were in passing, tboe which require the eye worth "within six cents as much as of the driver. Doubtless this is" a taverns like the Tremont or Sherman." prominent cause of the manv collisions But the intended combination was between passing teams, and the wonder "busted" and the hotel men's con- is that more do not happen. The cus-spiracv was nipped in the bud by the lorn was brought over by the pilgrims, idignant howl ot the teamsters, who ail but like a Dutch sentence, the parts got swore by the tooth of the prophet that transposed in the translation.

Across each and all would drive into the conn-1 the pond the driver sits on right, try and put up with farmers and at but always turns to the leit. In copv-country taverns before they would sub- ing the practice we retained the usele-s mitto that extortionate rise of "six-i part, and changed the e-ential, for pence." Hence, after iust one day the some unexplained reason. I'ossiblv our iive-and-sixpence combination busted. fathers thought to be consistent in Ibe It was the almost universal custom in the matter, and rather than be righthan 1- -country taverns to keep a big black ed in sitting while in 1 fie bottle sitting on a convenient she'if be- driving, changed the latter to suit. At hind the little counter or desk in the all events, the thing as now practiced corner, which would be set out with a is very inconvenient, and is a worthv tumbler as each man paid his bill, with subject of reform in this vear when re-a "Will you have a smack before start- forms are so much in favor.

And since ing?" Very few, however, partook, it is easier to change our position on and it was a rare thing to see any one the se than altering the custom of that immense throng of farmers and turning the right, let us henceforth teamsters undcr'tbe iniluance of liquor. hand our friends up to the right side of VYhigkyat; that time was onjv worth I the wagon, wh'de we driv.r take tb. biankct, dr.i other thiDk'-, a i wn -i vr-u will au-1 iu oir iP''rii' -s '-i, I rs-n 1'ret to Science Month'v. "Oh, it vou, is it? he said. "It is, and you may have your feet the moment you call for them." "Thank you," he said gruffly as he i drew them out.

"Ann s'nonted the brake-; man, as the ear slowed up. "Great guns!" cried the big man. picking; up his traps hurriedly, "this is where 1 get out My dear fellow, I can i never thank you enough for waking me Up. I would have missed it sure. By by; blessa you, sony," and he hurried lv.

SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES. The following described land and town leu having failed to sell. for unpaid taxes on the Are lueouay of September, A. D. 1881, the same being unavoidably oiaitted, 1 win at my oilice, in McPhersou, Mcrnersou County Kansas, ou Uie fourth Monday in October, A.

1881, sell the same or as much of each as iy be necessary to pay the taxes ami charges tuereon: Nw. xuarter, sec. 21 Towu 17, K. 10.l.7. Lot Brock 19, Marqaetui, 1.25 Otace of the County Treasurer of VcFhersun pmalj Kansas, ptebty i7, 4.

t. 181 Mbs. M. Fashionable Rlillincr and Dressraalior, tTMPH a fine line of Ladles HATS and IKiJs JniNGa coostanilx on hand. Drseakti.t Pan on te shortest notlcs an aattusuioa I'Hrnd.

VTwt ot Kaiattratt, r'h JlisstiTi of tui.i: at alo dls- Tbe Thames: rhi Kujland visitod miro Seisin 1 and 3,215 religious sv tributed Biblqs, anv adfirfcH, Wrue br on -t I i't for-z-A it. A a'd Jo. Addre-A. treat Wera (ruu Wok-. imi-ii: f'lU-iiJriii.

1 U. b. A. is- Ir. i m's by -xor- i jr to unv ''J'jrif" oilif in t.e, hcvoiver-; ati 1 i5 MTiti' ('oo'l- i' --r i fi i- or lec snr.t t01 ce ia 8 It will ly yoa vo rl'B.

i lb. uxui old 14 lfaitd xa-i rtUatiie. iid '--an and wi-l ir ds lvr; tUn ar.y iw ts U.cU. Subscribe for THE riEPUuLICANi.

McPherson Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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